Post-harvest rots of tomato in relation to lyases and mycotoxin production in vitro and in vivo
Vol 15, Iss 4, Page 273, Date 1994
Agaricales growing on shores from peninsular Spain
Vol 15, Iss 4, Page 239, Date 1994
Descolea maculata Bougher (Agaricales). firs report in Europe
Vol 15, Iss 4, Page 255, Date 1994
Some species of Pythium isolated from cultivated soils in northern France
Vol 15, Iss 4, Page 263, Date 1994
Analyses bibliographiques
Vol 15, Iss 4, Page 283, Date 1994
Table du Tome 15
Vol 15, Iss 4, Page 289, Date 1994
Investigation of primary and secondary metabolites in a chemical study of Cortinarius armillatus (Cortinariaceae, Telemonia)
Vol 15, Iss 4, Page 223, Date 1994
Occurrence of melanin in bright-spored Myxomycetes
Vol 15, Iss 4, Page 229, Date 1994