A conspectus of high-country Craspedia Forst.f. (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) of mainland south-eastern Australia
Vol 26, Iss 2, Page 3, Date 2008
Two new Pomaderris (Rhamnaceae) from south-eastern Australia
Vol 26, Iss 2, Page 11, Date 2008
A new species of Poa L. (Poaceae) from the Victorian Basalt Plain
Vol 26, Iss 2, Page 17, Date 2008
A new species of Bossiaea (Fabaceae: Bossiaeeae) from Victoria
Vol 26, Iss 2, Page 54, Date 2008
A new species of Callistemon R.Br. (Myrtaceae, Melaleuceae) from Victoria, Australia
Vol 26, Iss 2, Page 57, Date 2008
Observations on some Tasmanian species of the lichen genus Megalaria
Vol 26, Iss 2, Page 64, Date 2008
A new species and a new combination in the shining peppermint group of Eucalyptus and notes on the distribution of Eucalyptus willisii sens. strict
Vol 26, Iss 2, Page 88, Date 2008
Notes on some Australian Triglochin (Juncaginaceae) annuals: typification and nomenclature
Vol 26, Iss 2, Page 98, Date 2008
New Lachnagrostis taxa from South Australia and South-west Victoria (Poaceae)
Vol 26, Iss 2, Page 21, Date 2008
Correa alba var. rotundifolia (Rutaceae): an old name for a newly recognised variety endemic to south-eastern Tasmania
Vol 26, Iss 2, Page 45, Date 2008
Lecanora subtecta, an Australian species in the Lecanora symmicta group (Lecanorales)
Vol 26, Iss 2, Page 72, Date 2008
Pigment chemistry and morphology support recognition of Cortinarius austrocinnabarinus sp. nov. (Fungi: Cortinariaceae) from Australia
Vol 26, Iss 2, Page 77, Date 2008