Notes on Australian taxa of Nymphoides (Menyanthaceae): typification and nomenclature
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 119, Date 2009
The willows (Salix – Salicaceae) in Tasmania
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 127, Date 2009
Resolution of the Thelymitra variegata (Lindl.) F.Muell. (Orchidaceae) complex of southern Australia and New Zealand
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 149, Date 2009
Fellhaneropsis pallidonigrans, a south-eastern Australian lichen
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 171, Date 2009
A new subspecies of Stylidium armeria (Stylidiaceae) from the Macedon Range, Victoria
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 174, Date 2009
A new species of Pultenaea (Fabaceae) from central Victoria
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 179, Date 2009
A taxonomic revision of Acacia verniciflua and A. leprosa (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae) in Australia
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 183, Date 2009
A new Hakea species (Proteaceae: Grevilleoideae) from East Gippsland, Victoria
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 224, Date 2009
Eucalyptus ambigua DC. (Myrtaceae), the correct name for the Smithton Peppermint of Tasmania
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 227, Date 2009
Eucalyptus arcana (Myrtaceae), a new combination for a former subspecies of Eucalyptus splendens and notes on a population of scentbark occurring near Moonlight Head in South-west Victoria
Vol 27, Iss 2, Page 230, Date 2009