Seed regeneration in long-unburnt and recently-burnt heathland at Wyperfeld National Park
Vol 112, Iss 2, Page 111, Date 2000
A Recent ostracode assemblage from Erith Island, Bass Strait, southern Australia - geographical and ecological comparisons, with a description of a new species of Rotundracythere (Ostracoda: Crustacea)
Vol 112, Iss 2, Page 119, Date 2000
Natural history observations of the native carrion beetle, Ptomaphila lacrymosa Schreibers (Coleoptera: Silphidae)
Vol 112, Iss 2, Page 133, Date 2000
Meiofauna in phytal-based and sedimentary habitats of a temperate mangrove ecosystem - a preliminary study
Vol 112, Iss 2, Page 137, Date 2000
Descriptions of Lathropatus nemorum, gen. et sp. nov., and six new Ooperipatus Dendy (Onychophora: Peripatopsidae) from south-eastern Australia
Vol 112, Iss 2, Page 153, Date 2000
The environment and plant ecology of the Hume Range, central Victoria
Vol 112, Iss 2, Page 185, Date 2000