Birds in Vietnam in December 1993 and December 1994
Vol 13, Page 7, Date 1998
Frugivory and seed dispersal by birds in Hong Kong shrubland
Vol 13, Page 23, Date 1998
Bird records from Laos, October 1994 - August 1995
Vol 13, Page 33, Date 1998
Taxonomy of the Mirafra assamica complex
Vol 13, Page 97, Date 1998
A birdwatching visit to the Chin Hills, west Burma (Myanmar), with notes from nearby areas
Vol 13, Page 109, Date 1998
More birds feeding on arils of acacia seeds
Vol 13, Page 121, Date 1998
Aerial casque-butting in the great-hornbill Buceros bicornis
Vol 13, Page 123, Date 1998
What is Psittacus borneus Linnaeus?
Vol 13, Page 124, Date 1998
Notes on winter birds at Shuangtaihekou National Nature Reserve, Liaoning Province, China
Vol 13, Page 126, Date 1998
The eggs of the grey-crowned prinia Prinia cinereocapilla
Vol 13, Page 128, Date 1998
Finn's weaver Ploceus megarhynchus and singing bushlark Mirafra cantillans: two new species for Nepal
Vol 13, Page 129, Date 1998
Field identification of the Javan hawk eagle Spizaetus bartelsi
Vol 14, Page 13, Date 1998
Tytler's leaf warbler Phylloscopus tytleri: non-breeding distribution, morphological discrimination, and ageing
Vol 14, Page 17, Date 1998
Notes on Philippine birds: interesting records from northern Luzon and Batan Island
Vol 14, Page 37, Date 1998
Identification, distribution and status of the forest owlet Athene (Heteroglaux) blewitti
Vol 14, Page 41, Date 1998
The rediscovery of the forest owlet Athene (Heteroglaux) blewitti
Vol 14, Page 51, Date 1998
Conservation of the avifauna of Dudwa National Park, India
Vol 14, Page 55, Date 1998
World record count of roosting harriers Circus in Blackbuck National Park, Velavadar, Gujarat, north-west India
Vol 14, Page 70, Date 1998
Pallas's bunting Emberiza pallasi: a new species for Nepal and the Indian subcontinent
Vol 14, Page 72, Date 1998
A high altitude breeding record of besra Accipiter virgatus
Vol 14, Page 73, Date 1998
Observations on Hume's groundpecker Pseudopodoces humilis
Vol 14, Page 74, Date 1998
The foraging behaviour of the scaly-sided merganser Mergus squamatus in the Changbai Mountains and Xiao Xingangling Mountains of China
Vol 14, Page 76, Date 1998
Notes on the diet of nestling white-throated kingfishers Halcyon smyrnensis in Malaysia
Vol 14, Page 79, Date 1998
A breeding record for Minahassa owl Tyto inexspectata from Dumoga-Bone National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia
Vol 14, Page 80, Date 1998
Bill morphology in the identification of Isabela orioles Oriolus isabellae
Vol 14, Page 82, Date 1998
Notes on selected bird species in Cambodia
Vol 15, Page 25, Date 1999
Nesting of green-billed coucals Centropus chlororhynchos in Sinharaja, Sri Lanka
Vol 15, Page 43, Date 1999
Birds of Kaziranga National Park, India
Vol 15, Page 47, Date 1999
Observations on Jerdon's babbler Chrysomma altirostre and rufous-vented prinia Prinia burnesii in Punjab and North-West Frontier Provinces, Pakistan
Vol 15, Page 67, Date 1999
The birds of Palas, North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan
Vol 15, Page 77, Date 1999
Preliminary notes on some birds in Bhutan
Vol 15, Page 87, Date 1999
Long-billed dowitcher Limnodromus scolopaceus at Bharatpur, Rajasthan, India: a new species for the Indian subcontinent
Vol 15, Page 95, Date 1999
Some recent records of birds around Islamabad, Pakistan
Vol 15, Page 96, Date 1999
A note on the food habits of Eurasian eagle owl Bubo bubo in northern Pakistan
Vol 15, Page 98, Date 1999
The mountain black-eye Chlorocharis emiliae (Zosteropidae) as a rhododendron flower visitor on Mt Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia
Vol 15, Page 100, Date 1999
Two records of black-headed bunting Emberiza melanocephala in Sabah - the first definite occurrences in Malaysia and Borneo
Vol 15, Page 102, Date 1999
Greater flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber and rufous-tailed scrub robin Cercotrichas galactotes: two new species for China
Vol 15, Page 105, Date 1999
Roost counts of harriers Circus spanning seven winters in Andhra Pradesh, India
Vol 16, Page 1, Date 2000
Bird fauna of two protected forests in northern Vietnam
Vol 16, Page 5, Date 2000
Birds of Dera Ismail Khan District of North West Frontier Province in Pakistan
Vol 16, Page 15, Date 2000
Ornithological records from the lowlands of southern Laos during December 1995 - September 1996, including areas on the Thai and Cambodian borders
Vol 16, Page 29, Date 2000
Foraging of glossy and pygmy swiftlets in Palawan, Philippines
Vol 16, Page 53, Date 2000
Observations of the breeding biology and behaviour of Kozlov's bunting Emberiza koslowi
Vol 16, Page 57, Date 2000
Nesting behaviour of the yellowish-breasted racquet-tail Prioniturus flavicans
Vol 16, Page 61, Date 2000
Observations of plain-pouched hornbills Aceros subruficollis in Tasek Temengor, peninsular Malaysia
Vol 16, Page 65, Date 2000
On the specific status of the Sangihe white-eye Zosterops nehrkorni, and the taxonomy of the black-crowned white-eye Z. atrifrons complex
Vol 16, Page 69, Date 2000
A review of the taxonomy and status of the plain-pouched hornbill Aceros subruficollis
Vol 16, Page 83, Date 2000
Migratory stopover and wintering locations in eastern China used by white-naped cranes Grus vipio and hooded cranes G. monacha, as determined by satellite tracking
Vol 16, Page 93, Date 2000
Birds of lower Garhwal Himalayas: Dehra Dun valley and neighbouring hills
Vol 16, Page 101, Date 2000
Further information on the status and distribution of the forest owlet Athene blewitti in India
Vol 16, Page 125, Date 2000
Birds of oak forests in the Kumaon Himalaya, Uttar Pradesh, India
Vol 16, Page 131, Date 2000
The ornithological importance of Thrumshingla National Park, Bhutan
Vol 16, Page 147, Date 2000
Habitat and bird composition in winter in Sanjiang Nature Reserve, China
Vol 16, Page 163, Date 2000
Nomenclature of the 'Hypsipetes' bulbuls (Pycnonotidae)
Vol 16, Page 164, Date 2000
Breeding habits and behaviour of large-tailed nightjar Caprimulgus macrurus in Singapore
Vol 16, Page 166, Date 2000
Malayan night heron Gorsachius melanolophus breeding in immature plumage
Vol 16, Page 167, Date 2000
Jerdon's baza Aviceda jerdoni: a new species for Nepal
Vol 16, Page 170, Date 2000
Aseasonal flocking in the horned lark Eremophila alpestris in India
Vol 16, Page 171, Date 2000
Cronism in the forest owlet Athene blewitti
Vol 16, Page 172, Date 2000
First record of the Eurasian oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus from the Philippines
Vol 16, Page 175, Date 2000
Rusty-bellied shortwing Brachypteryx hyperythra at Lava, Darjeeling, India in April and June 1996
Vol 16, Page 176, Date 2000
Common ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula: a new species for Thailand
Vol 16, Page 178, Date 2000
Minahassa owl Tyto inexspectata at Lore Lindu National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia in December 1998
Vol 16, Page 180, Date 2000
Streak-breasted woodpecker Picus viridanus in Bangladesh: re-identification of the region's sole specimen recorded as laced woodpecker P. vittatus
Vol 16, Page 183, Date 2000
On the status of the Nicobar sparrowhawk Accipiter butleri on Great Nicobar Island, India
Vol 16, Page 185, Date 2000