Biota of the Mandora System, Western Australia: - Mammals
Vol 91, Iss 3, Page 209, Date 2008
Spatial variability in terrestrial fauna surveys; a case study from the goldfields of Western Australia
Vol 91, Iss 3, Page 219, Date 2008
Distribution and spread of the introduced One-spot Livebearer Phalloceros caudimaculatus (Pisces: Poeciliidae) in southwestern Australia
Vol 91, Iss 3, Page 229, Date 2008
Vertebrate by-catch in invertebrate wet pitfall traps
Vol 91, Iss 3, Page 237, Date 2008
The Western Australian soldier crab, Mictyris occidentalis Unno 2008 (Brachyura: Decapoda: Mictyridae): the importance of behaviour in design of sampling methods
Vol 91, Iss 3, Page 243, Date 2008
Higher than predicted endurance for juvenile goannas (Varanidae; Varanus)
Vol 91, Iss 3, Page 265, Date 2008