The genus Notonecta of the world (Notonectidae-Hemiptera)
Vol 21, Iss 1, Page 5
The genus Notonecta of the World (Notonectidae-Hemiptera)
Vol 21, Iss 1, Page 5
The Giant Water Bugs (Belostomatidæ-Hemiptera)
Vol 21, Iss 2, Page 197
A study of the genus Brachymetra (Hemiptera-Gerridae)
Vol 21, Iss 3, Page 221
The Genus Chlorotettix in America North of Mexico
Vol 21, Iss 4, Page 235
A new species of lizard from Mexico
Vol 21, Iss 5, Page 257
Observations on the courtship of turtles
Vol 21, Iss 6, Page 269
A new Bassariscus from the Lower Pliocene of Nebraska
Vol 21, Iss 7, Page 273
Two New Species of CÅ“lacanthus from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Anderson County, Kansas
Vol 21, Iss 8, Page 279
Cephalopods of the Pierre formation of Wallace County, Kansas, and adjacent area
Vol 21, Iss 9, Page 289
A new Megasecopteron from the carboniferous of Kansas
Vol 21, Iss 10, Page 365
Comparative Anatomical Research Within the Genus Ribes
Vol 21, Iss 11, Page 369
Morphology and Anatomy of Mollugo verticillata L.
Vol 21, Iss 12, Page 399
Morphology and Anatomy of Lygodesmia juncea (Pursh) D. Don.
Vol 21, Iss 13, Page 421
Comparative Anatomy of Lentzelia oligosperma and M. decapetala
Vol 21, Iss 14, Page 439
Some Studies on the Transference of Ions in Anhydrous Acetic Acid Solution
Vol 21, Iss 15, Page 463
The Effects of a Minimal Lethal Dose of X-Rays upon Chick Embryos
Vol 21, Iss 16, Page 479