A new species of Xantusia from Arizona, with a synopsis of the genus
Vol 7, Page 1, Date 1931
A new species and a new subspecies of Pocket Gopher
Vol 7, Page 43, Date 1931
A new White-footed Mouse from Lower California, Mexico
Vol 7, Page 51, Date 1932
A new Cardita from the Aleutian Islands and a new Epitonium from Southern California
Vol 7, Page 87, Date 1932
Fossil corals of the genus Turbinolia from the Eocene of California
Vol 7, Page 91, Date 1932
Descriptions of heretofore unknown Mammals from Islands in the Gulf of California, Mexico
Vol 7, Page 161, Date 1932
Notes on the desert tortoise (Testudo agassizii)
Vol 7, Page 187, Date 1932
Notes on the foraminifera on the type Merced at Seven Mile Beach, San Mateo County, California
Vol 7, Page 259, Date 1933
A new species of echinoid from Tamaulipas, Mexico
Vol 7, Page 275, Date 1933
Notes on Parapinnixa affinis Holmes and its allies
Vol 7, Page 319, Date 1933
A new form of Pocket Gopher from southern Mono County, California
Vol 7, Page 373, Date 1934
West American species of the genus Liotia
Vol 7, Page 429, Date 1934
Description of five new species of Brachyura collected on the west coast of Mexiico
Vol 7, Page 331, Date 1933-10-06
A review of the races of Geococcyx velox
Vol 7, Page 455, Date 1934-05-31
Some corrections needed in recent carcinological literature
Vol 7, Page 453, Date 1934-05-31