Host plant preference, mating and egg development in Synnoma lynosyrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1976
A review of the food habits of the insect fauna inhabiting cattle droppings in north central California
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 13, Date 1976
Simple and computerized disoriminant functions for difficult identifications: a rapid nonparametric method
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 23, Date 1976
Observations on the nesting behaviour of Belomicrus columbianus Kohl (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 29, Date 1976
Seasonal changes in host plant preference of the blue-green sharpshooter Hordnia circellata (Homoptera: Cicadellidae)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 33, Date 1976
Further studies among the Mexican and Central American lepturine Cerambycidae related to Euryptera and Choriolaus (Coleoptera)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 38, Date 1976
Redescription and phylogenetic affinities of Kytorhinus prolixus (Fall) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae: Kytorhininae)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 50, Date 1976
Giulianium campbelli, a new genus and species of marine beetle from California (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 56, Date 1976
A new species of Callophrvs (Mitoura) from Mexico (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 60, Date 1976
Foraging responses of Veromessor pergandei to changes in seed production (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 63, Date 1976
A new Proteriades reared from trap stems, its biology and nest associates (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 73, Date 1976
Aprostocetus diplosidis, a parasite of the sorghum midge found in California (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 80, Date 1976
The range extension of the fruit pest Stelidota geminata (Say) in California (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 83, Date 1976
Horse-flies, too, take some victims in cold-blood, as on Galapagos Isles
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 84, Date 1976
Sarcophaga tibialis Macquart intercepted in California (Diptera: Sarcophagidae)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 89, Date 1976
Compsilura concinnata (Meigen) (Diptera: Tachinidae) reared from Halisidota (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae) in California
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 90, Date 1976
Oviposition behaviour of Templemania (Tortricidae)
Vol 52, Iss 1, Page 91, Date 1976