Some Interesting Moths Taken at Ottawa
Vol 14, Iss 1-2, Page 13
Manitoba's Wild Flowers
Vol 14, Iss 1-2, Page 19
Bird Notes
Vol 14, Iss 1-2, Page 21
A Revision of the Genera and Species of Canadian Paleozoic Corals, by Lawrence M. Lambe [Review]
Vol 14, Iss 1-2, Page 32
Stories of Insect Life, Series I and H, by Clarence M. Weed and Mary E. Murtfeldt [Review]
Vol 14, Iss 1-2, Page 34
Gleanings from Nature, by W. S. Blatchley [Review]
Vol 14, Iss 1-2, Page 35
Contributions to the Natural History of the Northwest Territories
Vol 14, Iss 1-2, Page 24
Soils and the Maintenance of their Fertility Through the Growth of Legumes
Vol 14, Iss 3, Page 37
The Labrador Flying Squirrel
Vol 14, Iss 3, Page 48
The Two-Lined Salamander, Spelerpes bilineatus (Green)
Vol 14, Iss 3, Page 53
Soils and the Maintenance of their Fertility Through the Growth of Legumes, continued
Vol 14, Iss 4, Page 57
Notes on Rare Birds Occasionally Breeding in Eastern Ontario
Vol 14, Iss 4, Page 69
Bird Notes
Vol 14, Iss 4, Page 72
Canadian Surveys and Museums, and th eneed of Increased Expenditure Thereon, by B. E. Walker [Review]
Vol 14, Iss 4, Page 74
Additions to the North American and European Bryology (Moss Flora)
Vol 14, Iss 5, Page 77
Notes on the Periodical Appearance of Ants in a Chimney and on an Unusual Site for a Humble Bee's Nest
Vol 14, Iss 5, Page 93
Arthur C. Waghorne [Obituary]
Vol 14, Iss 5, Page 93
On an Addition to the Molluscan Fauna of Canada
Vol 14, Iss 5, Page 94
Botanical Club of Canada - Annual Report, by A. H. Mackay [Review]
Vol 14, Iss 5, Page 94
Revision of American Voles of the Genus Microtus, by Vernon Bailey [Review]
Vol 14, Iss 5, Page 97
On the Occurrence of a Species of Whittlesea in Nova Scotia
Vol 14, Iss 5, Page 99
An Ornithological Incursion into Florida, February, 1900
Vol 14, Iss 6, Page 101
A Condensed Summary of the Field-Work Annually Accomplished by the Officers of the Geological Survey of Canada from its Commencement to 1865
Vol 14, Iss 6, Page 107
The Kentucky Coffee Tree (Bymnocladus canadensis)
Vol 14, Iss 6, Page 118
Notes Bearing on the Devono-Carboniferous Problem in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick
Vol 14, Iss 7, Page 121
Fauna Ottawaensis - Diptera
Vol 14, Iss 7, Page 127
The Finding of a Flamingo's Nest
Vol 14, Iss 7, Page 135
Dr. Nansen's Scientific Results
Vol 14, Iss 8, Page 137
Gannets and Cormorants, with Special Reference to Canadian Forms
Vol 14, Iss 8, Page 146
Hemphillia glandulosa
Vol 14, Iss 8, Page 150
Catalogue of the Recent Marine Sponges of Canada and Alaska
Vol 14, Iss 9, Page 153
A Canadian Pocket Mouse (Perognathus lordi, Gray)
Vol 14, Iss 9, Page 173
Charles Jules Edme Bornghairt [Obituary]
Vol 14, Iss 9, Page 174
A New Physical Geography, by Jacues W. Redway [Review]
Vol 14, Iss 9, Page 175
Description of a New Species of Unio from the Cretaceous Rocks of the Nanaimo Coal Field, V.I.
Vol 14, Iss 10, Page 177
A Preliminary Note on an Amygdaloidal Trap Rock in the Eastern Townships of the Province of Quebec
Vol 14, Iss 10, Page 180
The Nesting of the Cerulean Warbler
Vol 14, Iss 10, Page 183
Observations on and Descriptions of Arctic Fossils, by R. P. WHitfield [Review]
Vol 14, Iss 10, Page 190
The Palaeozoic Faunas of Para, Brazil, by J. M. Clarke [Review]
Vol 14, Iss 10, Page 191
Botany: An Elementary Textbook, by L. H. Bailey [Review]
Vol 14, Iss 10, Page 195
Powers of Adaptation in Fishes
Vol 14, Iss 11, Page 212
Notes of the Acadian Owl (Nyctala acadica) in captivity
Vol 14, Iss 11, Page 218
Notes on Some Land and Fresh-Water Mollusca from Fort Chimo, Ungava Bay, Ungava
Vol 14, Iss 12, Page 221
A New Song for a Common Bird
Vol 14, Iss 12, Page 224
Notes taken in the Peace River, Athabaska, and Adjacent Country
Vol 14, Iss 12, Page 226
Two Warblers New to Canada
Vol 14, Iss 12, Page 230
The Hudsonian Curlew in Middlesex Co., Ontario
Vol 14, Iss 12, Page 234
Geological Survey of Canada: General Index to the Reports of Progress, 1863-1884
Vol 14, Iss 12, Page 235