Male mate-locating behavior in the desert hackberry butterfly, Asterocampa leilia (Nymphalidae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 1, Date 1988
The biology of seven triodine swallowtail butterflies (Papilionidae) in Colima, Mexico
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 13, Date 1988
The mating behavior of Papilio glaucus (Papilionidae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 27, Date 1988
A new heritable color aberration in the tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio glaucus (Papilionidae: Lepidoptera)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 32, Date 1988
Bilateral gynandromorphs, sexual and/or color mosaics in the tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio glaucus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 39, Date 1988
Oviposition on peripheral hosts by dispersing Pieris napi (L.). (Pieridae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 58, Date 1988
Enzyme electrophoresis and interspecific hybridization in Pieridae (Lepidoptera) - the case for enzyme electrophoresis
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 64, Date 1988
Systematics of Ascia (Ganyra) (Pieridae) populations in the Sonoran Desert
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 73, Date 1988
On Pieris (Artogeia) marginalis macdunnoughii Remington (Pieridae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 82, Date 1988
The mating system of three territorial butterflies in Costa Rica
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 89, Date 1988
Stratification of fruit-feeding nymphalid butterflies in a Costa Rican rain forest
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 98, Date 1988
Euphydryas anicia and E. chalcedona in Idaho (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 109, Date 1988
The mating system of Vanessa kershawi: males defend landmark territories as mate encounter sites
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 116, Date 1988
Apodemia palmerii (Lycaenidae: Riodininae): misapplication of names, two new subspecies and a new allied species
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 125, Date 1988
Correlations of ultrastructure and pigmentation suggest how genes control development of wing scales of Heliconius butterflies
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 141, Date 1988
A mutant affecting wing pattern in Parnassius apollo (Linne) (Lepidoptera Papilionidae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 161, Date 1988
Mimicry by illusion in a sexually dimorphic, day-flying moth, Dysschema jansonis (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae: Pericopinae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 173, Date 1988
Black light' induction of photoperiod-controlled diapause responses of the viceroy butterfly, Limenitis archippus (Nymphalidae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 177, Date 1988
Suppression of the black phenotype in females of the P. glaucus group (Papilionidae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 187, Date 1988
New species and new nomenclature in the American Acronictinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 201, Date 1988
The identity of Sphinx brunnus Cramer and the taxonomic position of Acharia Huebner (Lepidoptera: Limacodidae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 219, Date 1988
The life history of Hemileuca magnifica (Saturniidae) with notes on Hemileuca hera marcata
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 225, Date 1988
Are we studying our endangered butterflies to death?
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 236, Date 1988
Reply to Scott's criticism
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 240, Date 1988
Notes on the biology of Brephidium exilis (Boisduval) (Lycaenidae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 254, Date 1988
Courtship of a model (Adelpha; Nymphalidae) by its probable Batesian mimic (Limenitis; Nymphalidae)
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 255, Date 1988
A bibliography of Euphydryas
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 256, Date 1988
Aberrant Polyommatinae (Lycaenide) from Ohio and Florida
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 264, Date 1988
Ommochromes in Libytheidae
Vol 26, Iss 1-4, Page 266, Date 1988