Nepenthes attenboroughii: A new species of giant pitcher plant from the Philippines
Vol 38, Iss 4, Page 100, Date 2009
Nepenthes alba and Nepenthes gracillima
Vol 38, Iss 4, Page 102, Date 2009
Photosynthetic CO2 affinity of aquatic carnivorous plants growing under nearly-natural conditions and in vitro
Vol 38, Iss 4, Page 107, Date 2009
The natural behavior of Drosera: Sundews do not catch insects on purpose
Vol 38, Iss 4, Page 114, Date 2009
Drosera x fontinalis (Droseraceae), the first natural sundew hybrid from South America
Vol 38, Iss 4, Page 121, Date 2009
Literature Review
Vol 38, Iss 4, Page 126, Date 2009-12