Several pygmy Sundew species possess catapult-flypaper traps with repetitive function, indicating a possible evolutionary change into aquatic snap traps similar to Aldrovanda
Vol 44, Iss 4, Page 172, Date 2015
Soil pH values at sites of terrestrial carnivorous plants in south-west Europe
Vol 44, Iss 4, Page 185, Date 2015
Is long-term survival of dried turions of aquatic carnivorous plants possible?
Vol 44, Iss 4, Page 189, Date 2015
Literature Review
Vol 44, Iss 4, Page 194, Date 2015-12
Hypothesis of mucilage-assisted dispersal of Drosera seeds
Vol 44, Iss 4, Page 195, Date 2015
Photoperiod regulates Cape Sundew (Drosera capensis) gland secretion and leaf development
Vol 44, Iss 4, Page 197, Date 2015
Second brief piece of information about the species status of Utricularia cornigera Studnicka
Vol 44, Iss 4, Page 204, Date 2015
How hungry are carnivorous plants? An investigation into the nutrition of carnivorous plant taxa from the Kimberley region of Western Australia
Vol 44, Iss 4, Page 207, Date 2015
New cultivars
Vol 44, Iss 4, Page 213, Date 2015