Drosera bicolor Lowrie & Carlquist
Vol 41, Iss 4, Page 128
The digestive fluid of Drosera indica contains a cysteine endopeptidase (“droserain”) similar to dionain from Dionaea muscipula
Vol 41, Iss 4, Page 132
In vitro rooting of Nepenthes truncata Macf
Vol 41, Iss 4, Page 135
Wounding and chemical treatment effects on Drosera capensis bud formation on leaf cuttings
Vol 41, Iss 4, Page 140
Drosophyllum lusitanicum L
Vol 41, Iss 4, Page 143
The Roridulaceae
Vol 41, Iss 4, Page 146
Drosera slackii Cheek
Vol 41, Iss 4, Page 151
Germination of 22-year-old Drosophyllum lusitanicum and Byblis gigantea seeds
Vol 41, Iss 4, Page 154