Acacia Miscellany 5. A review of the A. bivenosa group (Leguminosae: Mimosoideae : section Phyllodineae)
Vol 8, Iss 2, Page 249, Date 1992
Taxonomic review of the Grevillea drummondii Meissn. species group (Proteaceae)
Vol 8, Iss 2, Page 225, Date 1992
Acacia Miscellany 6. Review of Acacia victoriae and related species (Leguminosae : Mimosoideae: section Phyllodineae)
Vol 8, Iss 2, Page 285, Date 1992
New species of Triodia and Plectrachne (Poaceae) from the Kimberley
Vol 8, Iss 2, Page 219, Date 1992
Stylidium latericola (Stylidiaceae), a new species from the Perth Region, Western Australia
Vol 8, Iss 2, Page 231, Date 1992
Triodia pascoeana (Poaceae), a new species from the western Kimberley
Vol 8, Iss 2, Page 241, Date 1992
Philotheca citrina (Rutaceae), a new species from Western Australia
Vol 8, Iss 2, Page 245, Date 1992
A new graniticolous species of Myriophyllum (Haloragaceae)
Vol 8, Iss 2, Page 237, Date 1992
A taxonomic account of the genus Calotropis R.Br. (Asclepiadaceae) in Australia
Vol 8, Iss 2, Page 201, Date 1992
Eucalyptus ordiana (Myrtaceae), a new species from the Kimberley, Western Australia
Vol 8, Iss 2, Page 195, Date 1992
Four new species of Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) from Western Australia
Vol 8, Iss 2, Page 209, Date 1992
Apatophyllum macgillivrayi (Celastraceae), a new species from south-west Western Australia
Vol 8, Iss 2, Page 191, Date 1992