Reinstatement and revision of Rinzia Schauer (Myrtaceae : Leptospermeae : Baeckeinae)
Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 415, Date 1986
Eucalyptus ceracea, E. rupestris and E. chlorophylla (Myrtaceae), three new species in the Kimberley Division of Western Australia
Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 381, Date 1986
Two new species of Wurmbea (Colchicaceae or Liliaceae s. lat.) from south-western Australia
Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 407, Date 1986
Eucalyptus ferriticola and E. pilbarensis (Myrtaceae), two new species from the Pilbara region of Western Australia
Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 373, Date 1986
Baeckea tuberculata Trudgen, a new species of Myrtaceae (Leptospermeae, Baeckeinae) from South Australia
Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 441, Date 1986
Five endangered new species of Myoporaceae from south-western Australia
Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 391, Date 1986
Bentleya, a new genus of Pittosporaceae from southern Western Australia
Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 401, Date 1986
Notes on the informal subgenus 'Monocalyptus' of Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) and the description of three new upland species from south-west Western Australia
Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 341, Date 1986
New species and subspecies of the informal Eucalyptus series Calycogonae Pryor & Johnson (Eucalyptus series Aridae Blakely - Myrtaceae)
Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 357, Date 1986
New taxa in Gonocarpus and Haloragis (Haloragaceae)
Vol 5, Iss 3, Page 327, Date 1986