The Middle Eocene Arshanto fauna (Mammalia) of Inner Mongolia
Vol 56, Page 1, Date 1987-03-06
Ecology of small mammals in a gallery forest of Central Brazil.
Vol 56, Page 75, Date 1987-03-06
Reproduction in a Spanish population of Acanthodactylus erythrurus (Reptilia: Lacertilia: Lacertidae).
Vol 56, Page 97, Date 1987-05-15
Karyotypic analysis of five rodents and a marsupial from Belize, Central America.
Vol 56, Page 103, Date 1987-05-15
Biosystematic studies in Stenanthium (Liliaceae: Veratreae). I. Floral morphology, floral vascular anatomy, geography and taxonomy of S. occidentale A. Gray.
Vol 56, Page 113, Date 1987-05-15
Results of The Carnegie Museum of Natural History Expeditions to Belize. III.Distributional notes on the birds of Belize.
Vol 56, Page 137, Date 1987-05-15
A review of the crane flies in the subgenus Tipula (Papuatipula) (Diptera: Tipulidae), with descriptions of five new species
Vol 56, Page 161, Date 1987-05-15
Taxonomic and geographic variation of Liophis typhlus and related “green” species of South America (Serpentes: Colubridae).
Vol 56, Page 173, Date 1987-08-28
A new species of Clinidium Kirby (Coleoptera: Carabidae of Rhysodidae) from Mexico, and descriptions of the females of two Neotropical members of the genus
Vol 56, Page 193, Date 1987-08-28
Biosystematic studies in Stenanthium (Liliaceae: Veratreae). II. Floral morphology, floral vascular anatomy, geography and taxonomy of the Mexican S. frigidum (Schlecht. & Cham.) Kunth.
Vol 56, Page 197, Date 1987-08-28
Systematics of African bats of the Genus Eptesicus (Mammalia: Vespertilionidae). 2. Karyotypes of African species and their generic relationships.
Vol 56, Page 213, Date 1987-08-28
Revision of the Wind River faunas, early Eocene of central Wyoming. Part 8. First fossil lizard egg (?Gekkonidae) and list of associated lizards.
Vol 56, Page 223, Date 1987-08-28
Taxonomic notes on some African warblers (Aves: Sylviinae)
Vol 56, Page 231, Date 1987-08-28
Spergenaspis: a new Carboniferous trilobite genus from North America
Vol 56, Page 245, Date 1987-08-28
Decompression syndrome in fossil marine turtles.
Vol 56, Page 253, Date 1987-11-20
Towards a postglacial history of the northern Great Plains: A review of the paleoecologic problems.
Vol 56, Page 259, Date 1987-11-20
Fossil crab (Decapoda: Brachyura) fauna from the Late Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) Pierre Shale in Bowman County, North Dakota.
Vol 56, Page 275, Date 1987-11-20
Excavations at the Harney Site slave cemetery, Montserrat, West Indies.
Vol 56, Page 289, Date 1987-11-20
Description of skeletal remains from a Black slave cemetery from Montserrat, West Indies.
Vol 56, Page 319, Date 1987-11-20