The amphipod superfamily Pontoporeioidea on the Pacific coast of North America. 1. Family Haustoriidae. Genus Eohaustorius J.L. Barnard: systematics and distributional ecology
Vol 2, Iss 1, Page 35, Date 1995-08-31
The amphipod family Pleustidae on the Pacific coast of North America: part 3. Subfamilies Parapleustinae, Dactylopleustinae, and Pleusirinae. Systematics and distributional ecology
Vol 2, Iss 1, Page 65, Date 1995-08-31
A Contribution to the Natural Classification of Lower and Middle Cambrian Arthropods: Food Gathering and Feeding Mechanism
Vol 2, Iss 1, Page 3, Date 1995