Tooth terminology and variation in sharks with special reference to the sand shark, Carcharias taurus Rafinesque
Vol 86, Page 1, Date 1965-04-09
Frog-like vertebrae from the Lower Permian of southeastern Utah
Vol 87, Page 1, Date 1965-06-28
Geolabis wolffi, a new fossil insectivore from the Late Oligocene of South Dakota
Vol 88, Page 1, Date 1965-06-28
A new South American toe biter (Hemiptera, Belostomatidae )
Vol 89, Page 1, Date 1965-06-28
Normichthys yahganorum, a new searsiid fish from Antarctic waters
Vol 90, Page 1, Date 1965-06-28
Observations on captive and wild Atlantic bottlenosed dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico
Vol 91, Page 1, Date 1965-06-28
The Barstovian Camp Creek fauna from Elko County, Nevada
Vol 92, Page 1, Date 1966-04-04
A key to the species of Ophiuroidea (brittle stars) of the Santa Monica Bay and adjacent areas
Vol 93, Page 1, Date 1966-04-04
Pliocene birds from Chihuahua, Mexico
Vol 94, Page 1, Date 1966-04-04
Observations on the behavior of wild and captive false killer whales, with notes on associated behavior of other genera of captive delphinids
Vol 95, Page 1, Date 1966-04-04
A new Peromyscus from the Late Pleistocene of Anacapa Island, California, with notes on variation in Peromyscus nesodytes Wilson
Vol 96, Page 1, Date 1966-04-04
A new species of Heteranthidium from California (Hymenoptera : Megachilidae )
Vol 97, Page 1, Date 1966-05-05
Studies on North American bees of the genus Hylaeus 1. Distribution of the western species of the subgenus Prosopis with descriptions of new forms (Hymenoptera: Colletidae)
Vol 98, Page 1, Date 1966-05-05
The California species of Philorus: taxonomy, early stages and descriptions of two new species (Diptera: Blepharoceridae )
Vol 99, Page 1, Date 1966-05-05
A new genus of Fissurellidae and a new name for a misunderstood species of west American Diodora
Vol 100, Page 1, Date 1966-05-05
A possible ancestor of the Lucus Auk (family Mancallidae) from the Tertiary of Orange County, California
Vol 101, Page 1, Date 1966-05-05
A new Syrrhophus from Mexico (Amphibia: Leptodactylidae)
Vol 102, Page 1, Date 1966-05-05
A new species of Boetica from the Pliocene of California
Vol 103, Page 1, Date 1966-05-05
Observations on the distribution, coloration, behavior and audible sound production of the spotted dolphin, Stenella plagiodon (Cope)
Vol 104, Page 1, Date 1966-07-22
Comparison of the Early Permian vertebrate faunas of the Four Corners region and north-central Texas
Vol 105, Page 1, Date 1966-07-22
New distribution data for Martarega, Buenoa and Abedus, including the first record of the genus Martarega in the United States (Hemiptera: Notonectidae, Belostomatidae)
Vol 106, Page 1, Date 1966-07-22
Two fossil birds from the Lower Miocene of South Dakota
Vol 107, Page 1, Date 1966-07-22
Sounds and behavior of captive Amazon freshwater dolphins, Inia geoffrensis
Vol 108, Page 1, Date 1966-07-25
A new haliotid from Guadalupe Island, Mexico (Mollusca: Gastropoda)
Vol 109, Page 1, Date 1966-10-27
Galeus piperatus, a new shark of the family Scyliorhinidae from the Gulf of California
Vol 110, Page 1, Date 1966-10-27
A new subspecies of the Aztec mastiff bat, Molossus aztecus Saussure, from southern Mexico
Vol 111, Page 1, Date 1966-11-09
The taxonomy and nomenclature of some North American bees of the genus Centris with descriptions of new species (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae)
Vol 112, Page 1, Date 1966-10-27
A new pelobatine frog from the Lower Miocene of South Dakota with a discussion of the evolution of the Scaphiopus-Spea complex
Vol 113, Page 1, Date 1966-12-28
Additional avian records from the Miocene of Sharktooth Hill, California
Vol 114, Page 1, Date 1966-12-28
Late Tertiary radiation of viperfishes (Chauliodontidae) based on a comparison of recent and Miocene species
Vol 115, Page 1, Date 1966-12-28
Recognition of the cancellariid genus Neadmete Habe, 1961, in the west American fauna, with description of a new species from the Lomita Marl of Los Angeles County, California
Vol 116, Page 1, Date 1966-12-28
A new species of Architectonica from the Santa Susana Mountains, Ventura County, California
Vol 117, Page 1, Date 1966-12-28
A new toe biter from Mexico (Belostomatidae, Hemiptera)
Vol 118, Page 1, Date 1966-12-28
Additional fish remains, mostly otoliths, from a Pleistocene deposit at Playa del Rey, California
Vol 119, Page 1, Date 1966-12-31
A new species of Dioptopsis from California (Diptera: Blepharoceridae)
Vol 120, Page 1, Date 1966-12-31
Summer food of four species of lizards from the vicinity of White Sands, New Mexico
Vol 121, Page 1, Date 1966-12-31