Invertebrate conservation status and the limits of reliable information: Examples from Victoria, Australia
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 68, Date 2012-06
Ecological aspects of new populations of the threatened Golden sun moth 'Synemon plana' on the Victorian Volcanic plains
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 77, Date 2012-06
Further notes on the butterfly fauna of La Trobe Wildlife Sanctuary and adjacent nature conservation reserves, Victoria, and its conservation significance
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 86, Date 2012-06
A seagrass shading experiment to determine the effects of a dredge plume
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 97, Date 2012-06
The Golden sun moth, 'Synemon plana' Walker (Castniidae): Continuing conservation ambiguity in Victoria
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 109, Date 2012-06
Surveys for the Eltham copper butterfly 'Paralucia pyrodiscus lucida' Crosby (Lycaenidae) in Victoria in late 2011
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 114, Date 2012-06
Swarms of Bibionid flies
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 119, Date 2012-06
Response to 'A call record of the Southern Barred Frog 'Mixophyes balbus' from East Gippsland' by Urlus and Marr
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 120, Date 2012-06
Burke and Wills: The scientific legacy of the Victorian exploring expedition [Book Review]
Vol 129, Iss 3, Page 122, Date 2012-06