A taxonomic revision of Aleurites J.R. Forst. and G. Forst. (Euphorbiaceae) in Australia and New Guinea
Vol 9, Page 5, Date 1996-07-24
Notes on Hovea R.Br. (Fabaceae):6
Vol 9, Page 15, Date 1996-07-24
Ectocarpus siliculosus (Dillwyn) Lyngb. from Hopkins River Falls, Victoria- the first record of a freshwater brown alga in Australia
Vol 9, Page 29, Date 1996-07-24
New combination in Viola (Violaceae)
Vol 9, Page 35, Date 1996-07-24
A new species of Asplenium L. section Thamnopteris C.Presl (Aspleniaceae) from Lord Howe Island
Vol 9, Page 37, Date 1996-07-24
Reinstatement of Caladenia alpina R.S. Rogers (Orchidaceae) as distinct from Caladenia lyallii Hook.f. and the description of Caladenia cracens, a related new species from southern Tasmania
Vol 9, Page 41, Date 1996-07-24
Resolution of the Prasophyllum alpinum R.Br. (Orchidaceae) complex in mainland south-eastern Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand
Vol 9, Page 51, Date 1996-07-24
Two new endemic species of Sagina L. (Caryophyllaceae) from Australia
Vol 9, Page 63, Date 1996-07-24
New taxa and some new nomenclature in Eucalyptus
Vol 9, Page 75, Date 1996-07-24
Notes on Tetratheca procumbens Gunn ex Hook.f. (Tremandraceae)
Vol 9, Page 87, Date 1996-07-24
New species of Pronectria, Vouauxiomyces, Wentiomyces and Zwackhiomyces from Australasia
Vol 9, Page 93, Date 1996-07-24
Dipodium pardalinum (Orchidaceae), a new species from Victoria and South Australia
Vol 9, Page 105, Date 1996-07-24
The consequences of a footnote: Typifications and place of first valid publication of two Australian Abutilon (Malvaceae) species published by Mueller
Vol 9, Page 111, Date 1996-07-24
Australian alpine scapose radiate taxa of Senecio (Asteraceae)
Vol 9, Page 115, Date 1996-07-24
Three new Victorian species related to Eucalyptus aromaphloia L.D. Pryor and J.H. Willis and notes on the polymorphic nature of that species
Vol 9, Page 133, Date 1996-07-24
A revision of the Cardamine gunnii-lilacina complex (Brassicaceae)
Vol 9, Page 145, Date 1996-07-24
A revision of the Cardamine paucijuga complex (Brassicaceae)
Vol 9, Page 161, Date 1996-07-24
A review of the Erigeron pappocromus Labill. complex
Vol 9, Page 175, Date 1996-07-24
A new species of Gynatrix (Willd.) Alef. (Malvaceae) from eastern Victoria
Vol 9, Page 191, Date 1996-07-24
Nomenclatural changes in Cullen (Fabaceae: Psoraleeae)
Vol 9, Page 195, Date 1996-07-24
Chromosome number determinations in the Australian Astereae (Asteraceae)
Vol 9, Page 197, Date 1996-07-24
Elaeocarpus (Elaeocarpaceae) endocarps from the Early to Middle Miocene Yallourn formation of Eastern Australia
Vol 9, Page 229, Date 1996-07-24
An annotated list of the taxa of fungi in the published Australian papers of H. J. Swart
Vol 9, Page 239, Date 1996-07-24
Miscellaneous notes on Genoplesium ciliatum (Ewart & B. Rees) D.L. Jones & M.A. Clem. (Orchidaceae)
Vol 9, Page 67, Date 1996-07-24