Miniature circulating systems for small laboratory aquaria
Vol 42, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1957-05-20
The behavior of the bottle-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): Mating, pregnancy, parturition and mother-infant behavior
Vol 42, Iss 2, Page 11, Date 1957-05-20
A study of the relationship between certain internal and external morphological changes occurring during induced and natural metamorphosis in Rana pipiens and Rana catesbeiana
Vol 42, Iss 3, Page 33, Date 1957-05-20
On the bramid fishes of the Gulf of Mexico
Vol 42, Iss 4, Page 51, Date 1957-08-23
The relation of oxygen consumption to temperature in some tropical, temperate and boreal anuran amphibians
Vol 42, Iss 5, Page 63, Date 1957-08-23
Basic patterns of display in fiddler crabs (Ocypodidae, Genus Uca)
Vol 42, Iss 6, Page 69, Date 1957-08-23
Studies on the lizard family Xantusiidae. III. A new genus for Xantusia riversiana Cope, 1883
Vol 42, Iss 7, Page 83, Date 1957-11-25
Nesting behavior of the crested oropendola (Psarocolius decumanus) in Northern Trinidad, B.W.I.
Vol 42, Iss 8, Page 87, Date 1957-11-25
Changes in the cytological structure of the adenobypophysis and gonads in juvenile Bathygobius soporator after pituitary implantation
Vol 42, Iss 9, Page 99, Date 1957-11-25
The Ctenuchidae (moths) of Trinidad, B.W.I. Part I. Euchromiinae
Vol 42, Iss 10, Page 105, Date 1957-11-25
The ability of the Saprolegniaceae to parasitize platyfish
Vol 42, Iss 11, Page 131, Date 1957-12-31
Imaginal behavior in butterflies of the family Heliconiidae: Changing social patterns and irrelevant actions
Vol 42, Iss 12, Page 135, Date 1957-12-31
Habits, palatability and mimicry in thirteen ctenuchid moth species from Trinidad, B.W.I.
Vol 42, Iss 13, Page 147, Date 1957-12-31
Serological relationships among members of the order Carnivora
Vol 42, Iss 14, Page 159, Date 1957-12-31