Courtship behavior of the queen butterfly, Danaus gilippus berenice (Cramer)
Vol 50, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1965-05-28
Observations on the distribution and ecology of Barker's anole, Anolis barkeri Schmidt (Iguanidae)
Vol 50, Iss 2, Page 41, Date 1965-05-28
Underwater calls of Leptonychotes (Weddell seal)
Vol 50, Iss 3, Page 45, Date 1965-05-28
Pulmonary and cutaneous gas exchange in the green frog, Rana clamitans
Vol 50, Iss 4, Page 47, Date 1965-05-28
Evoked potentials in the visual pathway of Heliconius erato. (Lepidoptera)
Vol 50, Iss 5, Page 55, Date 1965-05-28
Neurosine, its identification with N-acetyl-L-histidine and distribution in aquatic vertebrates
Vol 50, Iss 6, Page 63, Date 1965-05-28
A new trematode, Cathaemasia senegalensis, from the saddle-bill stork, Ephippiorhynchus senegalensis (Shaw)
Vol 50, Iss 7, Page 67, Date 1965-08-27
A device for the sonic tracking of large fishes
Vol 50, Iss 8, Page 75, Date 1965-08-27
Studies on virus diseases of fishes. Spontaneous and experimentally induced cellular hypertrophy (Lymphocystis disease) in fishes of the New York Aquarium, with a report of new cases and an annotated bibliography (1874-1965)
Vol 50, Iss 9, Page 83, Date 1965-08-27
Vortices and fish schools
Vol 50, Iss 10, Page 97, Date 1965
Studies on virus diseases of fishes. Epizootiology of epithelial tumors in the skin of flatfishes of the Pacific Coast, with special reference to the sand sole (Psettichthys melanosticus) from Northern Hecate Strait, British Columbia, Canada
Vol 50, Iss 11, Page 115, Date 1965-11-10
Waving display and sound production in the courtship behavior of Uca pugilator, with comparisons to U. minax and U. pugnax
Vol 50, Iss 12, Page 123, Date 1965-11-10
Genetics and geography of sex determination in the poeciliid fish, Xiphophorus maculatus
Vol 50, Iss 13, Page 151, Date 1965-11-10
Speciation in Heliconius (Lep., Nymphalidae): Morphology and geographic distribution
Vol 50, Iss 14, Page 191, Date 1965-12-31
A technique for the recording of bioelectric potentials from free-flying insects (Lepidoptera: Heliconius erato)
Vol 50, Iss 15, Page 255, Date 1965-12-31
Eastern Pacific expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. 46. Oxystomatous and allied crabs from the west coast of tropical America
Vol 51, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1966-05-18
Behavior of infant rhesus monkeys and their mothers in a free-ranging band
Vol 51, Iss 2, Page 17, Date 1966-05-18
Head muscles of boa constrictor
Vol 51, Iss 3, Page 29, Date 1966-05-18
The behavior of Solenodon paradoxus in captivity with comments in the behavior of other insectivora
Vol 51, Iss 4, Page 49, Date 1966-05-18
The capture and care of a killer whale, Orcinus orca, in British Columbia
Vol 51, Iss 5, Page 59, Date 1966-09-15
Sound structure and directionality in Orcinus (killer whale)
Vol 51, Iss 6, Page 71, Date 1966-09-15
Effects of vitamin antimetabolics on Lebistes reticulatus
Vol 51, Iss 7, Page 77, Date 1966-09-15
A digenetic trematode, Parahaplometroides basiliscae Thatcher, 1963, from the mouth of the crested lizard, Basiliscus basiliscus
Vol 51, Iss 8, Page 91, Date 1966-11-29
Enzootics in the New York Aquarium caused by Cryptocaryon irritans Brown, 1951 (=Ichthyophthirius marinus Sikama, 1961), a histophagous ciliate in the skin, eyes and gills of marine fishes
Vol 51, Iss 9, Page 97, Date 1966-11-29
Analysis of underwater Odobenus calls with remarks on the development and function of the pharyngeal pouches
Vol 51, Iss 10, Page 103, Date 1966-11-29
Gene and chromosome homology in fishes of the genes Xiphophorus
Vol 51, Iss 11, Page 107, Date 1967-02-20
On the marking behavior of the kinkajou (Potos flavus Schreber)
Vol 51, Iss 12, Page 137, Date 1967-02-20