A study of the biology and behavior of the caterpillars, pupae and emerging butterflies of the subfamily Heliconiinae in Trinidad, West Indies. Part I. Some Aspects of larval behavior
Vol 46, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1961-04-28
Hybridization experiments in rhodeine fishes (Cyprinidae, Teleostei). An intergenetic hybrid between female Rhodeus ocellatus and male Acanthorhodeus atremius
Vol 46, Iss 2, Page 25, Date 1961-04-28
The natural history of the oilbird, Steatornis caripensis, in Trinidad, W.I. Part 1. General behavior and breeding habits
Vol 46, Iss 3, Page 27, Date 1961-04-28
Fatty degeneration, regenerative hyperplasia and neoplasia in the livers of rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri
Vol 46, Iss 4, Page 49, Date 1961-04-28
Morphological effects of low temperatures during the embryonic development of the garter snake, Thamnophis elegans
Vol 46, Iss 5, Page 57, Date 1961-09-25
The orang-utan in Sarawak
Vol 46, Iss 6, Page 73, Date 1961-09-25
Observations on the feeding, shedding and growth rates of captive snakes (Boidae)
Vol 46, Iss 7, Page 83, Date 1961-09-25
The feeding mechanism of fiddler crabs, with ecological considerations of feeding adaptations
Vol 46, Iss 8, Page 89, Date 1961-09-25
Hybridization experiments in rhodeine fishes (Cyprinidae, Teleostei). Intergeneric hybrids obtained from Acheilognathus lanceolata x Rhodeus amarus and Rhodeus amarus x Acheilognathus tabira
Vol 46, Iss 9, Page 101, Date 1961-09-25
Some observations on the metamorphosis of the frog Rana curtipes Jerdon
Vol 46, Iss 10, Page 103, Date 1961-09-25
A study of the biology and behavior of the caterpillars, pupae and emerging butterflies of the subfamily Heliconiinae in Trinidad, West Indies. Part II. Molting, and the behavior of pupae and emerging adults
Vol 46, Iss 11, Page 105, Date 1961-11-24
Melanoma, renal thyroid tumor and reticulo-endothelial hyperplasia in a non-hybrid platyfish
Vol 46, Iss 12, Page 125, Date 1961-11-24
Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XLV. Non-intertidal brachygnathous crabs from the West Coast of Tropical America. Part 2: Brachygnatha Brachyrhyncha
Vol 46, Iss 13, Page 133, Date 1961-11-24
Nematodes and cestodes from the Australian monitor, Varanus gouldii
Vol 46, Iss 14, Page 161, Date 1961-11-24
Urinary amino acids of non-human primates
Vol 46, Iss 15, Page 167, Date 1961-11-24
The role of the thyroid in the development of platyfish
Vol 46, Iss 16, Page 181, Date 1961-12-27