The breeding behavior of the common shiner, Notropis cornutus (Mitchill)
Vol 25, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1940-03-18
Divergence and probability in taxonomy
Vol 25, Iss 2, Page 15, Date 1940-03-18
Miscellaneous notes on the eggs and young of reptiles
Vol 25, Iss 3, Page 33, Date 1940-03-18
Occlusion of the venom duct of Crotalidae by electrocoagulation: an innovation in operative technique
Vol 25, Iss 4, Page 49, Date 1940-03-18
Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XVII. A review of the American fishes of the family Cirrhitidae
Vol 25, Iss 5, Page 53, Date 1940-03-18
Eastern Pacfic Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XVIII. On the post-embryonic development of Brachyuran crabs of the genus Ocypode
Vol 25, Iss 6, Page 65, Date 1940-03-18
New species of British Guiana Heterocera
Vol 25, Iss 7, Page 83, Date 1940-03-18
A papillary cystic disease affecting the barbels of Ameirus nebulosus (Le Sueur), caused by the Myxosporidian Henneguya ameiurensis sp. nov.
Vol 25, Iss 8, Page 89, Date 1940-03-18
Caudal skeleton of Bermuda shallow water fishes. IV. Order Cyprinodontes: Cyprinodontidae, Poecilidae
Vol 25, Iss 9, Page 97, Date 1940-03-18
The histology of the eye of the cave characin, Anoptichthys
Vol 25, Iss 10, Page 113, Date 1940-03-18
Plankton of the Bermuda Oceanographic Expedition. IX. The bathypelagic Caridean Crustacea
Vol 25, Iss 11, Page 117, Date 1940-07-03
Actiniaria from the Gulf of California
Vol 25, Iss 12, Page 211, Date 1940-07-03
Morphological and embryological studies on two species of marine catfish, Bagre marinus and Galeichthys felis
Vol 25, Iss 13, Page 221, Date 1940-07-03
Propagation of the electric impulse along the organs of the electric eel, Electrophorus electricus (Linnaeus)
Vol 25, Iss 14, Page 249, Date 1940-07-03
Notes on the display forms of Wahne's six-plumed Bird of Paradise
Vol 25, Iss 15, Page 257, Date 1940-07-03
Acute hemorrhagic gastro-enteritis in a Giant Panda
Vol 25, Iss 16, Page 261, Date 1940-07-03
Two new species of Trematodes from the deep sea scorpion fish, Scorpaena madurensis Cuv. & Val.
Vol 25, Iss 17, Page 263, Date 1940-07-03
Report of the Hospital and Laboratory of the New York Zoological Park, 1939. Mortality statistics of the Society's collection
Vol 25, Iss 18, Page 269, Date 1940-07-03
Medusae of the Templeton Crocker and Eastern Pacific Zaca Expeditions, 1936-1938
Vol 25, Iss 19, Page 281, Date 1940-11-14
Two new species of trematodes (Apharyngostrigea bilo-bata : Strigeidae and Cathaemasia nyclicoracis : Echinostomidae) from herons, with a note on the occurrence of Clinostomum campanulatum (Rud.)
Vol 25, Iss 20, Page 323, Date 1940-11-14
Nesting of the sunfish, Lepomis auritus (Linnaeus), in tidal waters
Vol 25, Iss 21, Page 329, Date 1940-11-14
East Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society. XXI.-Notes on Echinoderms from the West Coast of Central America
Vol 25, Iss 22, Page 331, Date 1940-11-14
The nesting behavior of Eupomotis gibbosus (Linnaeus) In a small pool
Vol 25, Iss 23, Page 353, Date 1940-11-14
Reproductive activities of a hybrid minnow, Notropis cornutus x Notropis rubellus
Vol 25, Iss 24, Page 361, Date 1940-11-14
Eastern Pacific Expeditions of the New York Zoological Society XXII. Mollusks from the West Coast of Mexico and Central America Part I
Vol 25, Iss 25, Page 369, Date 1940-12-31
On the electric powers and sex ratios of foetal Narcine brasiliensis (Olfers)
Vol 25, Iss 26, Page 431, Date 1940-12-31
A study of the activities of a pair of Galago senegalensis moholi in captivity, including the birth and postnatal development of twins
Vol 25, Iss 27, Page 433, Date 1940-12-31
Diets for a zoological garden: Some results during a test period of five years
Vol 25, Iss 28, Page 463, Date 1940-12-31
The biology of the smoky shrew (Sorex fumeus fumeus Miller)
Vol 25, Iss 29, Page 473, Date 1940-12-31
Social and respiratory behavior of small tarpon
Vol 25, Iss 30, Page 493, Date 1940-12-31
New observations on the blood group factors in Simiidi and Cercopithecidae
Vol 25, Iss 31, Page 513, Date 1940-12-31
Muscle dystrophy in tree kangaroos associated with feeding of cod liver oil and its reponse to alpha-tocopherol
Vol 25, Iss 32, Page 523, Date 1940-12-31
Mortality statistics for specimens in the New York Aquarium, 1939
Vol 25, Iss 33, Page 525, Date 1940-12-31
A comparison of some electrical and anatomical characteristics of the electric eel, Electrophorus electricus (Linnaeus)
Vol 25, Iss 34, Page 553, Date 1940-12-31