The electric discharge of the electric eel, Electrophorus electricus (Linnaeus)
Vol 22, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1937-04-05
The Templeton Crocker Expedition. II. Introduction, itinerary, list of stations, nets and dredges
Vol 22, Iss 2, Page 33, Date 1937-04-05
The Templeton Crocker Expedition. III. Brachygnathous crabs from the Gulf of California and the West Coast of Lower California
Vol 22, Iss 3, Page 47, Date 1937-04-05
The Templeton Crocker Expedition. IV. Porcellanid crabs from the Gulf of California
Vol 22, Iss 4, Page 79, Date 1937-04-05
The Templeton Crocker Expedition. V. A new Chrysomelid beetle of the genus Monoxia from Lower California
Vol 22, Iss 5, Page 89, Date 1937-04-05
A new species of Caulolatilus from Trinidad, British West Indies
Vol 22, Iss 6, Page 93, Date 1937-04-05
The Templeton Crocker Expedition. VI. Oxystomatous and Dromiaceous crabs from the Gulf of California and the West Coast of Lower California
Vol 22, Iss 7, Page 97, Date 1937-07-16
The Templeton Crocker Expedition. VII. Caridean Decapod Crustacea from the Gulf of California and the west coast of Lower California
Vol 22, Iss 8, Page 109, Date 1937-07-16
The Templeton Crocker expedition. VIII. Polychaetous Annelids from the West Coast of Lower California, the Gulf of California and Clarion Island
Vol 22, Iss 9, Page 139, Date 1937-07-16
The Templeton Crocker Expedition. IX. Holothurians from the Gulf of California, the West Coast of Lower California and Clarion Island
Vol 22, Iss 10, Page 161, Date 1937-07-16
Notes on the Cestodes of North American sparrows
Vol 22, Iss 11, Page 177, Date 1937-07-16
Further studies on the susceptibility and acquired immunity of marine fishes to Epibdella melleni, a monogenetic trematode
Vol 22, Iss 12, Page 185, Date 1937-07-16
Further notes on certain birds of paradise
Vol 22, Iss 13, Page 193, Date 1937-07-16
Preliminary list of Bermuda deep-sea fish
Vol 22, Iss 14, Page 197, Date 1937-10-07
The Templetoa Crocker Expedition. X. Echinoderma from the West Coast of Lower California, the Gulf of California and Clarion Island
Vol 22, Iss 15, Page 209, Date 1937-10-07
The Templeton Crocker Expedition. XI. Hermit crabs from the Gulf of California and the West Coast of Lower California
Vol 22, Iss 16, Page 241, Date 1937-10-07
Caudal skeleton of Bermuda shallow water fishes. II. Order Percomorphi, suborder Percesoces: Atherinidae, Mugilidae, Sphyraenidae
Vol 22, Iss 17, Page 265, Date 1937-10-07
Some observations on the feeding methods of the vampire bat
Vol 22, Iss 18, Page 281, Date 1937-10-07
Growth of Galapagos tortoises, Testudo vicina, from 1928 to 1937
Vol 22, Iss 19, Page 289, Date 1937-10-07
Lymphocystis disease in Angelichthys
Vol 22, Iss 20, Page 293, Date 1937-10-07
The histological structure of the normal and the hyperplastic thyroid in Rasbora lateristriata (Bleeker)
Vol 22, Iss 21, Page 297, Date 1937-12-31
Lymphocystis in the Hogfish, Lachnolaimus maximus
Vol 22, Iss 22, Page 303, Date 1937-12-31
Position of wires in the display of the twelve-wired bird of paradise
Vol 22, Iss 23, Page 307, Date 1937-12-31
Display of the magnificent rifle bird
Vol 22, Iss 24, Page 311, Date 1937-12-31
Tho Templeton Crocker Expedition. XII. Sergestidae (Crustacea Decapoda) from the Lower Californian region, with descriptions of two new species and some remarks on tho organs of Pesta in Sergestes
Vol 22, Iss 25, Page 315, Date 1937-12-31
Deep-sea fishes of the Bermuda Oceanographic Expeditions. Family Serrivomeridae. Part II: Genus Platuronides
Vol 22, Iss 26, Page 331, Date 1937-12-31
Deep sea fishes of the Bermuda oceanographic expeditions. Family Nemichthyidae
Vol 22, Iss 27, Page 349, Date 1937-12-31
Caudal skeleton of Bermuda shallow water fishes. III. Order Iniomi: Synodontidae
Vol 22, Iss 28, Page 385, Date 1937-12-31