Three New Species of Borya Labill. (Liliaceae)
Vol 6, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1985-05
A revision of Actinobole Fenzl ex Endl. (Compositae: Inuleae: Gnaphaliinae)
Vol 6, Iss 1, Page 9, Date 1985-05
A revision of the Genus Labichea Gaudich. ex DC. (Caesalpiniaceae)
Vol 6, Iss 1, Page 23, Date 1985-05
Monochoria cyanea and M. australasica (Pontederiaceae) in Australia
Vol 6, Iss 1, Page 51, Date 1985-05
A conspectus of new records and nomenclature for vascular plants in Victoria Australia 3. Early 1980 – early 1984
Vol 6, Iss 1, Page 59, Date 1985-05
Seven New Species of Helicia Lour. (Proteaceae) from Papua New-guinea
Vol 6, Iss 2, Page 79, Date 1985-05
Two new lichens: Cladonia bimberiensis and C. weymouthii
Vol 6, Iss 2, Page 93, Date 1985-05
Vegetation of South and Central Gippsland
Vol 6, Iss 2, Page 97, Date 1985-05
Grevillea obteca (Proteaceae), a new species from central Victoria
Vol 6, Iss 2, Page 147, Date 1985-05
The Status of the Name Lasiopetalum-tepperi F. Muell. (Sterculiaceae)
Vol 6, Iss 2, Page 153, Date 1985-05