Transportation patterns of Aboriginal artefacts in the Shark Bay area, Western Australia
Vol 63, Page 1, Date 1980
Eocene bivalves from the Pallinup Siltstone near Walpole, Western Australia
Vol 63, Page 5, Date 1980
A phenological investigation of various invertebrates in forest and woodland areas in the south-west of Western Australia
Vol 63, Iss 1, Page 21, Date 1980
Royal Society Mealists, 1979 - R. M. Berndt, B. J. Grieve, D.L. Serventy
Vol 63, Iss 1, Page 30, Date 1980
Addendum - An ecological reconnaissance of four islands in the Archipelago of the Rocherche, Western Australia
Vol 63, Iss 1, Page 31, Date 1980
Observations on the nest-building habits of the brush-tailed rat-kangaroo or woylie (Bettongia penicillata)
Vol 63, Iss 2, Page 33, Date 1980
The distribution and cover of plant species on Carnac Island, Western Australia
Vol 63, Page 39, Date 1980
Further searches for the dibbler, Antechinus apicalis (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae)
Vol 63, Iss 2, Page 47, Date 1980
A collection of fishes from the Jardine River, Cape York Peninsula, Australia
Vol 63, Iss 2, Page 53, Date 1980
Obituary - Laurence John Hartley Teakle 1901-1979
Vol 63, Iss 2, Page 63, Date 1980
Quaternary stratigraphy of the tidal flats, King Sound, Western Australia
Vol 63, Page 65, Date 1980
The transition from mainland to island, illustrated by the flora and landbird fauna of headlands, peninsulas and islands near Albany, Western Australia
Vol 63, Iss 3, Page 79, Date 1980
A new species of Stylidium (Stylidiaceae) from Western Australia
Vol 63, Page 93, Date 1980
The seagrass fish fauna of Geographe Bay, Western Australia
Vol 63, Iss 4, Page 97, Date 1981
The ecology of Star Swamp and surrounding bushlands, North Beach, Western Australia
Vol 63, Page 103, Date 1981
Western Australian geology: an historical review to the year 1870
Vol 63, Page 119, Date 1981