Two new lichens: Cladonia paeminosa and C. humilis var. bourgeanica
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1989-04
Eucalyptus cadens (Myrtaceae), a new swamp gum from the Warby Range, North-East Victoria
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 7, Date 1989-04
Azorella Lamarck (Apiaceae) on Heard and Macquarie Islands, with description of a new species A. macquariensis
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 15, Date 1989-04
Notes on Hovea R. Br. (Fabaceae): 2
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 21, Date 1989-04
A Revision of Podotheca Cass. (Asteraceae: Inuleae: Gnaphaliinae)
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 39, Date 1989-04
Notes on the Fruit Anatomy of Australian Members of the Inuleae (Compositae)
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 57, Date 1989-04
Two New Species of Pomaderris Labill. (Rhamnaceae) from South-eastern Australia
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 81, Date 1989-04
A New Subspecies of Grevillea acanthifolia (Proteaceae: Grevilleoideae) from South-eastern New South Wales
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 89, Date 1989-04
A New Species of Tetrarrhena R. Br. (Poaceae) from Victoria and New South Wales
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 95, Date 1989-04
Ferdinand Mueller, Government Botanist: the role of William Hooker in his appointment
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 99, Date 1989-04
New Genera and Species of Australian Inuleae (Asteraceae)
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 103, Date 1989-04
Olearia archeri (Asteraceae: Astereae), a new name for a familiar species from Tasmania
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 117, Date 1989-04
Olearia astroloba (Asteraceae: Astereae), a new species endemic to Victoria
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 123, Date 1989-04
Valid publication of the names Torrenticola and T. queenslandica (Podostemaceae)
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 127, Date 1989-04
Acacia caerulescens, a new species of Acacia Section Phyllodineae from Victoria
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 131, Date 1989-04
Notes on Hovea R. Br. (Fabaceae): 3
Vol 7, Iss 1, Page 135, Date 1989-04