The theridiid spider fauna of Chile
Vol 136, Page 1, Date 1967
Habitat observations, records, and new South American theridiid spiders (Araneae, Theridiidae)
Vol 136, Page 21, Date 1967
The Tertiary lorisiform primates of Africa
Vol 136, Page 39, Date 1967
The Ameghinos' localities for early Cenozoic mammals in Patagonia
Vol 136, Page 63, Date 1967
A study of the effects of expatriation on the gonads of two myctophid fishes in the North Atlantic Ocean
Vol 136, Page 77, Date 1967
Delimitation of the genus Ceracis (Coleoptera: Ciidae) with a revision of North American species
Vol 136, Page 91, Date 1967
Systematics and evolution of the genus Triodopsis (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Polygyridae)
Vol 136, Page 145, Date 1968
Pipid frogs from the Early Cretaceous of Israel and pipid evolution
Vol 136, Page 255, Date 1968
The spider genera Gea and Argiope in America (Araneae: Araneidae)
Vol 136, Page 319, Date 1968
Lichomolgid copepods (Cyclopoida) associated with corals in Madagascar
Vol 136, Page 353, Date 1968
Xarifiid copepods (Cyclopoida) parasitic in corals in Madagascar
Vol 136, Page 415, Date 1968
A re-examination of the snake genus Lycophidion Duméril and Bibron
Vol 136, Page 461, Date 1968
Additional Scythian ammonoids from Afghanistan
Vol 136, Page 483, Date 1968