The development of Agaricus arvensis and A. comtulus
Vol 1, Iss 1, Page 3, Date 1914-01
Studies of teratological phenomena in their relation to evolution and the problems of heredity. I. A study of certain floral abnormalities in Nicotiana and their bearing on theories of dominance
Vol 1, Iss 1, Page 23, Date 1914-01
Nuclear behavior in the promycelia of Caeoma nitens Burrill and Puccinia peckiana Howe
Vol 1, Iss 1, Page 37, Date 1914-01
On axial abscission in Impatiens sultani as the result of traumatic stimuli
Vol 1, Iss 1, Page 48, Date 1914-01
On the mycorhizas of forest trees
Vol 1, Iss 2, Page 51, Date 1914-02
Notes on the calculation of the osmotic pressure of expressed vegetable saps from the depression of the freezing point, with a table for the values of P for Δ = 0.001° to Δ = 2.999°
Vol 1, Iss 2, Page 75, Date 1914-02
The pyrenoid of Anthoceros
Vol 1, Iss 2, Page 79, Date 1914-02
Problems and progress in plant pathology
Vol 1, Iss 3, Page 97, Date 1914-03
Some observations on the anatomy and other features of the "black knot"
Vol 1, Iss 3, Page 112, Date 1914-03
Cleavage in Didymium melanospermum (Pers) Macbr.
Vol 1, Iss 3, Page 127, Date 1914-03
Contribution to the life history and physiology of Cylindrosporium on stone fruits
Vol 1, Iss 4, Page 145, Date 1914-04
The physiological water requirement and the growth of plants in glycocoll solutions
Vol 1, Iss 4, Page 174, Date 1914-04
The auxo-thermal integration of climatic complexes
Vol 1, Iss 4, Page 186, Date 1914-04
The role of winter temperatures in determining the distribution of plants
Vol 1, Iss 4, Page 194, Date 1914-04
The influence of temperature on chemical reaction in general
Vol 1, Iss 5, Page 203, Date 1914-05
An account of the cruciate-flowered Oenotheras of the subgenus Onagra
Vol 1, Iss 5, Page 226, Date 1914-05
Plus and minus strains in the genus Glomerella
Vol 1, Iss 5, Page 244, Date 1914-05
The harmful action of distilled water
Vol 1, Iss 6, Page 255, Date 1914-06
Some observations on the formation of the capillitium and the development of Physarella mirabilis Peck and Stemonitis fusca Roth
Vol 1, Iss 6, Page 274, Date 1914-06
New species of green algae
Vol 1, Iss 6, Page 289, Date 1914-06
Investigations on the phylogeny of the angiosperms. I. The anatomy of the node as an aid in the classification of angiosperms
Vol 1, Iss 7, Page 303, Date 1914-07
Studies of the development of the Piperaceae. II. The structure and seed-development of Peperomia hispidula
Vol 1, Iss 7, Page 323, Date 1914-07
A Gloeosporium disease of the spice bush
Vol 1, Iss 7, Page 340, Date 1914-07
The origin and development of the lamellae in Coprinus micaceus
Vol 1, Iss 7, Page 343, Date 1914-07
Studies of the development of the Piperaceae. II. The structure and seed-development of Peperomia hispidula [Continued]
Vol 1, Iss 8, Page 357, Date 1914-10
On the correlation between somatic characters and fertility. II. Illustrations from Phaseolus vulgaris
Vol 1, Iss 8, Page 398, Date 1914-10
The effects of acid and alkaline solutions upon the water relation and the metabolism of plants
Vol 1, Iss 8, Page 412, Date 1914-10
Investigations on the phylogeny of the angiosperms. 3. Nodal anatomy and the morphology of stipules
Vol 1, Iss 9, Page 441, Date 1914-11
Observations on the development and germination of the seed in certain Polygonaceae
Vol 1, Iss 9, Page 454, Date 1914-11
Some ecological adaptations of certain fern Prothallia-Camptosorus rhizophyllus Link., Asplenium platyneuron Oakes
Vol 1, Iss 9, Page 477, Date 1914-11
The expulsion of ascospores from the perithecia of the chestnut blight fungus, Endothia parasitica (Murr.) And.
Vol 1, Iss 10, Page 499, Date 1914-12
Gliding growth and the bars of Sanio
Vol 1, Iss 10, Page 522, Date 1914-12
Notes on the anatomy of the punctatus gall
Vol 1, Iss 10, Page 531, Date 1914-12