The influence of certain climatic factors on the development of Endothia parasitica (Murr.) And.
Vol 4, Iss 1, Page 1
Gunnera petaloidea Gaud., A remarkable plant of the Hawaiian Islands
Vol 4, Iss 1, Page 33
An interesting modification in Xanthium
Vol 4, Iss 1, Page 40
Endophyllum-like rusts of Porto Rico
Vol 4, Iss 1, Page 44
Fifteen- and sixteen-chromosome Oenothera mutants
Vol 4, Iss 2, Page 53
The influence of temperature on the growth of Endothia parasitica
Vol 4, Iss 2, Page 112
Matroclinic inheritance in mutation crosses of Oenothera reynoldsii
Vol 4, Iss 3, Page 119
Duration of leaves in evergreens
Vol 4, Iss 3, Page 145
The relation between evaporation and plant succession in a given area
Vol 4, Iss 3, Page 161
The relation of some rusts to the physiology of their hosts
Vol 4, Iss 4, Page 179
The development of some species of Agarics
Vol 4, Iss 4, Page 221
The origin and development of the galls produced by two cedar rust fungi
Vol 4, Iss 4, Page 241
The perennial scapose Drabas of North America
Vol 4, Iss 5, Page 253
The osmotic concentration of the tissue fluids of Jamaican montane rain-forest vegetation
Vol 4, Iss 5, Page 268
The viability of radish seeds (Raphanus sativus L.) as affected by high temperatures and water content
Vol 4, Iss 5, Page 299
The taxonomy of the Agaricaceae
Vol 4, Iss 6, Page 315
Observations on forest tree rusts
Vol 4, Iss 6, Page 327
Endothia pigments. I
Vol 4, Iss 6, Page 336
Observations on an Achlya lacking sexual reproduction
Vol 4, Iss 6, Page 354
The rusts occurring on the genus Fritillaria
Vol 4, Iss 6, Page 368
Fertility in Cichorium intybus: the sporadic occurrence of self-fertile plants among the progeny of self-sterile plants
Vol 4, Iss 7, Page 375
Inheritance of endosperm color in maize
Vol 4, Iss 7, Page 396
The influence of light and chlorophyll formation on the minimum toxic concentration of magnesium nitrate for the squash
Vol 4, Iss 7, Page 407
The use of the vibration galvanometer with a 60-cycle alternating current in the measurement of the conductivity of electrolytes
Vol 4, Iss 7, Page 411
Immunochemical studies of the plant proteins: Proteins of the wheat seed and other cereals. Study IX
Vol 4, Iss 7, Page 417
The toxicity of galactose and mannose for green plants and the antagonistic action of other sugars toward these
Vol 4, Iss 7, Page 430
Taxonomic characters of the genera Alternaria and Macrosporium
Vol 4, Iss 8, Page 439
Crown-rot of fruit trees: Histological studies
Vol 4, Iss 8, Page 477
Effect of soil temperature on the growth of bean plants and on their susceptibility to a root parasite
Vol 4, Iss 9, Page 513
The development of Cortinarius pholideus
Vol 4, Iss 9, Page 520
Leaf-structure as related to environment
Vol 4, Iss 9, Page 533
The phytogeography of Manoa Valley, Hawaiian Islands
Vol 4, Iss 10, Page 561
Revision of the Hawaiian species of the genus Cyrtandra, section Cylindrocalyces Hillebr.
Vol 4, Iss 10, Page 604
On the distribution of abnormalities in the inflorescence of Spiraea vanhouttei
Vol 4, Iss 10, Page 624