On a few Medusae from the Bermudas
Vol 11, Page 79
No. 4. — Reports on the Results of Dredging, under the Supervision of Alexander Agassiz, on the East Coast of the United States, during the Summer of 1880, by the U. S. Coast Survey Steamer " Blake," Commander J. K. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. XXIII. Report on the Isopoda
Vol 11, Page 91
Supplementary report on the Blake Cephalopoda
Vol 11, Page 105
Verzeichniss der von den United States Coast survey steamers "Hassler" und "Blake" von 1867 zu 1879 gesammelten Myzostomiden
Vol 11, Page 125
A supplement to the fifth volume of the terrestrial air-breathing mollusks of the United States and adjacent territories
Vol 11, Page 135
Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, on the east coast of the United States, during the summer of 1880, by the U. S. Coast Survey steamer "Blake," Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., Commanding. XXI. Report on the Anthozoa, and on some additional species dredged by the "Blake" in 1877-1879, and by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer "Fish Hawk" in 1880-82.
Vol 11, Iss 1, Page 1
Reports on the results of dredging, under the supervision of Alexander Agassiz, along the Atlantic coast of the United States, during the summer of 1880, by the U.S. Coast Survey steamer "Blake," Commander J. R. Bartlett, U. S. N., commanding. XXII. A chapter in the history of the Gulf Stream.
Vol 11, Iss 2, Page 73
Descriptions of two species of Octopus from California.
Vol 11, Iss 6, Page 117
On the development of certain worm larvae.
Vol 11, Iss 9, Page 167
Bibliography to accompany "Selections from embryological monographs, compiled by Alexander Agassiz, Walter Faxon, and E. L. Mark." III. Acalephs.
Vol 11, Iss 10, Page 209
On the development of Agalma.
Vol 11, Iss 11, Page 239