Diversity and durability: responses of the Madeiran and Porto-Santan snail faunas to natural and human-induced environmental change
Vol 12, Page 3, Date 1996
Diversity and Decline of Land Snails on Rota, Mariana Islands
Vol 12, Page 13, Date 1996
Biogeography of the Genera of Naticidae (Gastropoda) in the Indo pacific
Vol 12, Page 29, Date 1996
Indo pacific Opisthobranch Gastropod Biogeography: How Do We Know What We Don't Know?
Vol 12, Page 37, Date 1996
Dynamic Clams: Changes in the Bivalve Fauna of Pacific Islands As a Result of Sea level Fluctuations
Vol 12, Page 45, Date 1996
Characteristics of Submarine Cave Bivalves in the Northwestern Pacific
Vol 12, Page 59, Date 1996
Retention Around and Long distance Dispersal Between Oceanic Islands by Planktonic Larvae of Benthic Gastropod Mollusca
Vol 12, Page 67, Date 1996
Symposium: Evolution of Coleoid Cephalopods. American Malacological Union. Hilo, Hawaii. 11-12 June 1995
Vol 12, Page 77, Date 1996
Biochemical and Molecular Approach To Cephalopod Phylogeny
Vol 12, Page 79, Date 1996
Relationship of Some Coleoid Cephalopods Established by 3' End of the 16S Rdna and Cytochrome Oxidase Iii Gene Sequence Comparison
Vol 12, Page 87, Date 1996
Analysis of Morphology To Determine Primary Sister taxon Relationships Within Coleoid Cephalopods
Vol 12, Page 91, Date 1996
Preliminary Cladistic Analyses of Relationships Among Loliginid Squids (Cephalopoda: Myopsida) Based on Morphological Data
Vol 12, Page 113, Date 1996
Biochemical Study of the Population Heterogeneity and Distribution of the Oval Squid Sepioteuthis Lessoniana Complex in Southwestern Japan
Vol 12, Page 129, Date 1996
Ctenopteryx Sicula, a Bathypelagic Loliginid Squid?
Vol 12, Page 137, Date 1996
Biogeography of Octopus Species (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) from Southeastern Australia
Vol 12, Page 145, Date 1996
Review of the family Phyllidiidae in the Atlantic Ocean (Nudibranchia, Doridoidea)
Vol 13, Page 1, Date 1996
A new land snail of the genus Gastrocopta from Nicaragua (Pulmonata: Vertiginidae), and its relationship to species from northeastern South America
Vol 13, Page 47, Date 1996