Purification and comparison of two toxic peptides (CSTX-I and CSTX-2) in the venom of Cupiennius salei (Ctenidae)
Vol 2, Page 371, Date 1996
Variation in egg production of Pityohyphantes phryginus (C. L. Koch )(Linyphiidae, Aranaeae), influenced by temperature and latitude
Vol 2, Page 377, Date 1996
Origin of the Polynesian Spiders
Vol 2, Page 383, Date 1996
The ultrastructure of leg skin in the phylogeny of spiders
Vol 2, Page 399, Date 1996
Prey-specific capture behaviour and prey preferences of myrmicophagic and araneophagic jumping spiders (Araneae: Salticidae)
Vol 2, Page 423, Date 1996
The biogeography of scorpions
Vol 2, Page 437, Date 1996
The evolutionary significance of colour, colour patterns and fluorescence in scorpions
Vol 2, Page 449, Date 1996
The Australian funnel-web spider: overkill or revolution?
Vol 2, Page 459, Date 1996
Advances in the study of the spider fauna of ex-USSR
Vol 2, Page 472, Date 1996
Vorläufige Beobachtungen zur Tag- und Nacht-Bewegungsaktivität der epigäischen Weberknechte (Opiliones, Arachnida) aus verschiedenartigen Habitaten im Vitoscha-Gebirge (Nordteil), SW-Bulgarien
Vol 2, Page 479, Date 1996
Dynamics of a population of burrowing wolf spiders. Is there any competition?
Vol 2, Page 491, Date 1996
Spiders as indicator species: lessons from two case studies
Vol 2, Page 501, Date 1996
Prey specificity of the venom of the ctenid spider Cupiennius salei (Araneae, Ctenidae)
Vol 2, Page 511, Date 1996
Precopulatory male ethograms of three species of Lycosa Latreille, 1804 (Araneae: Lycosidae) of the Iberian peninsula
Vol 2, Page 515, Date 1996
Ecology of sexual dimorphism in spiders of the genus Metepeira (Araneae: Araneidae)
Vol 2, Page 523, Date 1996
Salticidae (Araneae) distribution over Indonesian and Pacific Islands
Vol 2, Page 531, Date 1996
Consequences of pesticide use on spider communities in mango orchards
Vol 2, Page 537, Date 1996
Study of a narrow hybrid zone between two wolf spiders, Lycosa ammophila and Lycosa ericeticola, in north Florida (Araneae, Lycosidae)
Vol 2, Page 543, Date 1996
Supplements to the knowledge of the spider fauna of Lithuania I
Vol 2, Page 555, Date 1996
Species composition and site distribution of spiders (Araneae) in a gneiss massif in the Dyje river valley
Vol 2, Page 561, Date 1996
Composition of the araneofauna of the Cape Verde Islands
Vol 2, Page 571, Date 1996
The fauna of orthognathous spiders (Araneae: Mesothelae, Mygalomorphae) in Thailand
Vol 2, Page 577, Date 1996
First fossil mesothele spider, from the Carboniferous of France
Vol 2, Page 585, Date 1996
Species composition and community structure of peruvian rainforest spiders: A case study from a seasonally inundated forest along the Samiria river
Vol 2, Page 597, Date 1996
Aspects of spider research in China
Vol 2, Page 611, Date 1996
Courtship behaviour in the spider Pityohyphantes phrygianus (Linyphiidae, Araneae): do females discriminate injured males?
Vol 2, Page 617, Date 1996
Observations on the mating systems of two spiders, Linyphia hortensis Sund. and L. triangularis (CI.) (Linyphiidae: Araneae)
Vol 2, Page 627, Date 1996
The fine structure of the spermatheca of Pardosa lugubris (Walckenaer, 1802)
Vol 2, Page 635, Date 1996
Preliminary results on foliage-dwelling spiders on black pine (Pinus nigra) by beating on 5 sites in Hungary
Vol 2, Page 643, Date 1996
Stridulation in Palpimanus gibbulus Dufour (Araneae: Palpimanidae)
Vol 2, Page 649, Date 1996
Modelling individual variability in a social spider colony (Stegodyphus dumicola: Eresidae) in relation to food abundance and its allocation
Vol 2, Page 661, Date 1996
Spatial distribution and dispersal of spiders in a Danish barley field
Vol 2, Page 671, Date 1996
Spider populations on a typical field site in Central Germany and special influences of various plant protection intensities during a crop rotation sequence
Vol 2, Page 683, Date 1996
The shrub layer spider communities: variation of composition and structure of the gorse clump communities in western France
Vol 2, Page 691, Date 1996
Bulolia, a new genus of Salticidae (Arachnida: Araneae) from Papua New Guinea
Vol 2, Page 701, Date 1996
Early stages of orb web construction in Araneus diadematus Clerck
Vol 2, Page 709, Date 1996