The Names Used for Singapore Plants Since 1900
Ser 4, Vol 45, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1993
Keng, H.: The Concise Flora of Singapore, Gymnosperms and Dicotyledons
Ser 4, Vol 45, Iss 1, Page 289, Date 1993
The Bamboos of Sabah
Ser 4, Vol 45, Iss 1, Page 290, Date 1993
The Taxonomy, Distribution and Ecology of the Epiphytic Malesian Ant-Fern Lecanopteris Reinw. (Polypodiaceae)
Ser 4, Vol 45, Iss 2, Page 293, Date 1993
Psathyrella (Agaricales) with Ornamented Spores in the Malay Peninsula
Ser 4, Vol 45, Iss 2, Page 337, Date 1993
Observations on Malaysian Bolbitaceae with Records from Solomon Islands
Ser 4, Vol 45, Iss 2, Page 359, Date 1993
Flora of Australia Vol. 50: Oceanic Islands 2
Ser 4, Vol 45, Iss 2, Page 383, Date 1993