The genus Alocasia (Araceae-Colocasieae) in the Philippines
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 1, Date 1999
Beetle pollination of Vatica parvifolia (Dipterocarpaceae) in Sarawak, Malaysia
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 43, Date 1999
The taxonomic significance of trichome morphology in the genus Durio (Bombacaceae)
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 55, Date 1999
Foliicolous Ascomycetes 8: Vietnam
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 71, Date 1999
Reappraisal of Olea species in Malesia
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 85, Date 1999
Euphorbia heterophylla and E. cyathophora (Euphorbiaceae) in the Malay Peninsula
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 99, Date 1999
First record of a natural begonia hybrid in Malaysia
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 103, Date 1999
Eupatorium catarium, a New Name for Eupatorium clematideum Griseb., non Sch.Bip. (Compositae), a South Amercian Species Naturalized and Spreading in SE Asia and Queensland, Australia
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 119, Date 1999
Kizhakkedathu Mathai Kochummen
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 125, Date 1999
Tropical botanic gardens, past, present and future
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 127, Date 1999
C.X. Furtado (1897—1980): contributions to the study of palms
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 141, Date 1999
The Singapore Botanic Gardens Herbarium - 125 years of history
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 151, Date 1999
On some species of Pandanus and Freycinetia (Pandanaceae) in Micronesia
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 163, Date 1999
The transfer of Tripetalum cymosum K. Schum. (Guttiferae) to Garcinia …
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 175, Date 1999
Thismia goodii (Burmanniaceae), the blue-capped thismia, a new species from Borneo
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 179, Date 1999
The genus Rhaphidophora Hassk. (Araceae-Monsteroideae-Monstereae) in Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 183, Date 1999
Floristic diversity of Bukit Bauk (Terengganu), Peninsular Malaysia
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 257, Date 1999
The importance to Indopacific botany of Baron Dumont de Courset's Botaniste Cultivateur
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 309, Date 1999
Bryological Biology, Introduction and Diverse Branches
Ser 4, Vol 51, Page 319, Date 1999
Struggle of Life
Ser 4, Vol 51, Iss 2, Page 321, Date 1999