Two new Geometridae from San Diego County, California
Vol 5, Page 41, Date 1927
Late tertiary and quarternary Elphidiums of the west coast of North America
Vol 5, Page 69, Date 1927
A new Louisiana Heron and a new Round-tailed Ground Squirrel from Lower California, Mexico
Vol 5, Page 83, Date 1927
West Coast species of Hinnites
Vol 5, Page 91, Date 1928
Notes on the Vaqueros and Temblor formations of the California Miocene with descriptions of new species
Vol 5, Page 95, Date 1928
The Trimorphodon (Lyre Snake) of California, with notes on the species of the adjacent areas
Vol 5, Page 183, Date 1928
A new echinoid from the California Eocene
Vol 5, Page 195, Date 1928
A new Miocene echinoid from California
Vol 5, Page 259, Date 1929
Loliolopsis chiroctes, a new genus and species of squid from the Gulf of California
Vol 5, Page 263, Date 1929
A new Pacific race of Gullbilled Tern
Vol 5, Page 283, Date 1929