Motility and calcareous parts in extant and fossil Acrothoracica (Crustacea: Cirripedia), based primarily upon new species burrowing in the deep-sea scleractinian coral Enallopsammia
Vol 21, Page 1, Date 1985
The sangamon interglacial vertebrate fauna from Rancho la Brisca, Sonora, Mexico
Vol 21, Page 23, Date 1985
Floral Morphology Nectar Production And Breeding Systems In Dudleya Subgenus Dudleya Crassulaceae
Vol 21, Page 57, Date 1985
Fishes living in deepsea thermal vents in the tropical eastern Pacific, with descriptions of a new genus and two new species of eelpouts (Zoarcidae)
Vol 21, Page 71, Date 1986
A lectotype for Dinapate wrightii Horn, the giant palm-borer, and description of a new species of Dinapate from eastern Mexico (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae)
Vol 21, Page 81, Date 1986
Holocene Terrestrial Gastropod Faunas From Isla Santa Cruz And Isla Floreana Galapagos Ecuador Evidence For Late Holocene Declines
Vol 21, Page 89, Date 1986
Callorhinus gilmorei n. sp., (Carnivora: Otariidae) from the San Diego Formation (Blancan) and its implications for otariid phylogeny
Vol 21, Page 111, Date 1986-12-05
Fossil Tanaidacea
Vol 21, Page 127, Date 1986
Another new forest-dwelling frog (Leptodactylidae: Eleutherodactylus) from the Cockpit Country of Jamaica
Vol 21, Page 145, Date 1986
A new night lizard (Xantusia henshawi) from a sandstone habitat in San Diego County, California
Vol 21, Page 155, Date 1986
The evolution of helodermatid squamates, with description of a new taxon and an overview of Varanoidea
Vol 21, Page 167, Date 1986-12-05
Camaenid land snails (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) from the Eocene of Southern California and their bearing on the history of the American Camaenidae
Vol 21, Page 203, Date 1988
Pseudotealliocaris palincsari n. sp., a pygocephalomorph from the Pocono Formation, Mississippian of Pennsylvania
Vol 21, Page 221, Date 1988
A new species of hagfish, genus Eptatretus (Cyclostomata, Myxinidae), from the Pacific Ocean near Valparaiso, Chile, with new data on E. bischoffii and E. polytrema
Vol 21, Page 227, Date 1988
Two crabs, Xandaros sternbergi (Rathbun 1926) n. gen., and Icriocarcinus xestos n. gen., n. sp., from the late Cretaceous of San Diego County, California, USA, and Baja California Norte, Mexico
Vol 21, Page 245, Date 1988
A new abyssal hydrothermal verrucomorphan (Cirripedia; Sessilia): the most primitive living sessile barnacle
Vol 21, Page 259, Date 1989
New Stratigraphic And Geographic Occurrences Of Isognomon Mollusca Bivalvia From The Eocene Of California And Oregon Usa
Vol 21, Page 275, Date 1989
Homology And Terminology Of Higher Teleost Postcleithral Elements
Vol 21, Page 283, Date 1989
Ranges Of Offshore Decapod Crustaceans In The Eastern Pacific Ocean
Vol 21, Page 291, Date 1989