Comments on status and distribution of birds in western Uganda
Vol 15, Page 24, Date 1991
The status of some bird species endemic to south Ethiopia
Vol 15, Page 30, Date 1991
New birds from Kakamega, western Kenya, including new breeding records
Vol 15, Page 35, Date 1991
Wahlberg's eagle Aquila wahlbergi migration in Uganda
Vol 15, Page 42, Date 1991
Smith's francolin Francolinus levaillantoides and other distributional records from the Huri Hills, northern Kenya
Vol 15, Page 44, Date 1991
Secretary bird Sagittarius serpentarius feeding on marsh warblers Acrocephalus palustris in Tsavo, Kenya
Vol 15, Page 46, Date 1991
Harrier hawk Polyboroides typus breaks open tree hole to aid prey capture
Vol 15, Page 47, Date 1991
New birds from Kenya's northern border area
Vol 15, Page 48, Date 1991
Lilian's lovebird Agapornis lilianae in Tanzania
Vol 15, Page 51, Date 1991
The genus Agapornis in East Africa
Vol 15, Page 52, Date 1991
New records of the Sokoke pipit Anthus sokokensis from Kiono Forest Reserve, Bagamoyo District, northeastern Tanzania
Vol 15, Page 56, Date 1991
Vocalizations of the Somali wheatear Oenanthe phillipsi
Vol 15, Page 63, Date 1991
Courtship feeding in yellow-rumped tinker-birds Pogoniulus bilineatus
Vol 15, Page 64, Date 1991
The forest avifauna of the Uzungwa Mountains, Tanzania
Vol 15, Page 65, Date 1992
Avifauna of Nguuni, near Mombasa, Kenya, between September 1984 and October 1987: part 2 - Palaearctic species
Vol 15, Page 84, Date 1992
Birds on the Comoro Islands, April 1990
Vol 15, Page 93, Date 1992
Black-bellied storm petrel Fregetta tropica, Antarctic prion Pachyptila desolata, and thin-billed prion P. belcheri: three species new to Kenya and East Africa
Vol 15, Page 102, Date 1992
An Antarctic prion Pachyptila desolata of unknown origin
Vol 15, Page 120, Date 1992
Four Afrotropical migrants on the East African coast: evidence for a common origin
Vol 15, Page 122, Date 1992
Some observations on dunlin Calidris alpina wintering in the Sudan
Vol 15, Page 124, Date 1992
Eurasian wrynecks Jynx torquilla in western Kenya
Vol 15, Page 127, Date 1992
Specimen of the sprosser Luscinia luscinia from Uganda
Vol 15, Page 128, Date 1992
First description of the nest of yellow flycatcher Erythrocercus holochlorus
Vol 15, Page 129, Date 1992
Grosbeak weaver Amblyospiza albifrons feeding on a frog
Vol 15, Page 132, Date 1992
First record of the black-billed seed-cracker Pyrenestes ostrinus in Kenya
Vol 15, Page 133, Date 1992
Palaearctic cattle egret Bubulcus ibis wintering in tropical Africa - the first ringing recovery
Vol 15, Page 135, Date 1992
Leucistic white-fronted bee-eater Merops bullockoides in Kenya
Vol 15, Page 137, Date 1992
Wing-flicking and vocalizations of wheatears Oenanthe spp
Vol 15, Page 138, Date 1992
East African Bird Report 1991
Vol 15, Page 141, Date 1993
Ornithological survey of ten Uganda forest reserves 18 April - 29 November 1991
Vol 15, Page 163, Date 1993
First and last dates of some Palaearctic migrants in Kenya
Vol 15, Page 171, Date 1993
Ringing and migration at Ngulia, Tsavo, autumn 1991
Vol 15, Page 172, Date 1993
A bibliography of the first fifteen volumes of Scopus vol. 1(1) 1977 - vol. 15(3) 1993
Vol 15, Page 178, Date 1993
Predation and harassment of native bird species by the Indian house crow Corvus splendens, in Mombasa, Kenya
Vol 16, Page 1, Date 1992
African birds in the Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux d'Afrique (1796-1813) by Francois Levaillant
Vol 16, Page 9, Date 1992
An apparently isolated population of blue-breasted kingfishers Halcyon malimbica in Ethiopia
Vol 16, Page 14, Date 1992
Spring migration of raptors and some other species in western Uganda
Vol 16, Page 18, Date 1992
Birds in the hot season along the Nile in the Sudanese eastern Sahara
Vol 16, Page 22, Date 1992
Recent surveys of wintering waders at Lake Turkana, Kenya with details of 1989 counts on the northeast shore
Vol 16, Page 29, Date 1992
Birds in the Ishasha sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda
Vol 16, Page 34, Date 1992
Birds of the main university campus in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: a ringing study
Vol 16, Page 50, Date 1992
A third Kenya record of Jouanin's petrel Bulweria fallax
Vol 16, Page 54, Date 1992
Notes on birds from southwest Tanzania including an addition to the east African avifauna
Vol 16, Page 55, Date 1992
Brown-headed apalis Apalis alticola occuring alongside grey apalis A. cinerea in the Ngurumans, southwestern Kenya
Vol 16, Page 57, Date 1992
Unusual bird records from western Kenya including a new breeding record
Vol 16, Page 58, Date 1992
New records for Uganda and Tanzania along the Rwandan and Burundian borders
Vol 16, Page 59, Date 1992
The birds of Nechisar National Park, Ethiopia
Vol 16, Page 61, Date 1993
The avifauna of Kazimzumbwe Forest Reserve, Tanzania: initial findings
Vol 16, Page 81, Date 1993
Observations on the feeding biology and population ecology of the grey parrot Psittacus erithacus
Vol 16, Page 89, Date 1993
Notes on the endemic species and some additional new birds occurring on Pemba Island, Tanzania
Vol 16, Page 94, Date 1993
A second record of the northern white-tailed bush lark Mirafra albicauda in Ethiopia
Vol 16, Page 99, Date 1993
The spread of the house sparrow Passer domesticus indicus in Africa with new records from Tanzania
Vol 16, Page 101, Date 1993
A new location for the ankober serin Serinus ankoberensis near Debre Sina, Ethiopia
Vol 16, Page 105, Date 1993
Some notes on black ducks Anas sparsa
Vol 16, Page 107, Date 1993
A commensal feeding association between African spoonbills Platalea alba and great white egrets Egretta alba in Tanzania
Vol 16, Page 109, Date 1993
Interactions between giant and pied kingfishers Megaceryle maxima and Ceryle rudis
Vol 16, Page 110, Date 1993
On the racial status of the white-eared barbet Stactolaema leucotis in coastal Tanzania
Vol 16, Page 111, Date 1993
First east African breeding record of Grant's bluebill Spermophaga poligenys from the Semliki Forest Reserve, Uganda
Vol 16, Page 113, Date 1993
On the supposed occurrence of Chubb's cisticola Cisticola chubbi at Bukoba, Tanzania
Vol 16, Page 114, Date 1993
Notable records from Chumbe Island, Zanzibar
Vol 16, Page 115, Date 1993
Nest record of the collared apalis Apalis ruwenzorii and description of a partial albino
Vol 16, Page 116, Date 1993