Three new species of Carniella from Thailand (Araneae, Theridiidae)
Vol 103, Page 567, Date 1996
Spalacosostea, an anomalous new terrestrial dryopid from South East Asia (Coleoptera: Dryopidae)
Vol 103, Page 581, Date 1996
A peculiar new species of Anomotarus (Nototarus) from New Guinea (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Lebiinae)
Vol 103, Page 607, Date 1996
Stigmale Plastronstrukturen, die einigen Diplopoden-Arten eine submerse Lebensweise in kaltem und in fliessendem Wasser ermöglichen
Vol 103, Page 613, Date 1996
Les formes épigées du genre Oritoniscus (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea). I. Le complexe Oritoniscus flavus
Vol 103, Page 623, Date 1996
Aleocharinae della Colombia e dell'Ecuador: Parte II (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)
Vol 103, Page 643, Date 1996
Some Venezuelan Oligochaeta Glossoscolecidae and Octochaetidae
Vol 103, Page 677, Date 1996
Un nouveau Apoduvalius du bassin de la rivière Nalón. Asturies-Espagne (Coleoptera, Trechidae)
Vol 103, Page 685, Date 1996
Spinolyprops pakistanicus sp. n. (Coleoptera Tenebrionidae), an Oriental element in the fauna of northern Pakistan
Vol 103, Page 691, Date 1996
Agaunopsis (Acari, Halacaridae) of the Sevastopol arcea; supplementary notes on taxonomy and ecology
Vol 103, Page 697, Date 1996
Stiliderus and Stilicoderus: New data and new species (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Paederinae)
Vol 103, Page 713, Date 1996
Indo-australische Anthicidae (Coleoptera) in Naturhistorischen Museum in Genf
Vol 103, Page 737, Date 1996
Further data on the Nicolettidae (Zygentoma), with description of a new species from Mauritius
Vol 103, Page 749, Date 1996
Une nouvelle espèce du genre Ptychadena (Anura, Ranidae) du Kenya
Vol 103, Page 757, Date 1996
A new lygosomine skink (Lacertilia: Scincidae: Panaspis) from Cameroon
Vol 103, Page 767, Date 1996
Fribourg, 21-23 February 1996 (Annual Conference of the Swiss Zoological Society)
Vol 103, Page 777, Date 1996
Synusial structure of heathlands at the subalpine/alpine ecocline in Valais (Switzerland)
Vol 103, Page 795, Date 1996
Variation in species richness of plants and diverse groups of invertebrates in three calcareous grasslands of the Swiss Jura mountains
Vol 103, Page 801, Date 1996
Die räumliche Habitatnutzung einer Dachspopulation (Meles meles L.) im schweizerischen Mittelland
Vol 103, Page 835, Date 1996
Le zoobenthos comme indicateur des perturbations d'origine humaine dans deux lacs de montagne
Vol 103, Page 851, Date 1996
Über die Verbreitung der Mauthner Axone bei Fischen und Amphibien und ihren Zusammenhang mit der Schreckreaktion der Ostariophysi und Anura
Vol 103, Page 859, Date 1996
Die Asteiidae (Diptera) der Schweiz
Vol 103, Page 893, Date 1996
Molostrongylus acanthocolpos gen. n. sp. n. (Nematoda, Trichostrongylina, Molineoidea) parasite of Molossops temmincki (Chiroptera, Molossidae) from Paraguay
Vol 103, Page 905, Date 1996
On some Ancistria spp. from the Natural History Museum, Vienna (Coleoptera, Passandridae)
Vol 103, Page 915, Date 1996
A review of the Japanese Tychobythinus and Bythoxenites (Coleoptera, Staphylindae, Pselaphinae)
Vol 103, Page 919, Date 1996
Nouveaux Cholevinae d'Asie (Coleoptera Leiodidae)
Vol 103, Page 939, Date 1996