A synopsis of South American Mycale (Mycale) (Poecilosclerida, Desmospongiae), with description of three new species and a cladistic analysis of Mycalidae
Vol 101, Page 563, Date 1994
A taxonomic review of the Oriental species of the genus Ancyronyx Erichson, 1847 (Coleoptera, Elmidae)
Vol 101, Page 601, Date 1994
Shield morphology of curly overhair in 22 genera of Soricidae (Insectivora, Mammalia)
Vol 101, Page 623, Date 1994
Nouvelles données sur la répartition et l'écologie de la Vipère naine du Haut Atlas, Vipera monticola Saint Girons, 1954 (Reptilia, Viperidae)
Vol 101, Page 645, Date 1994
Südostasiatische Anthiciden aus dem Naturhistorischen Museum in Genf, 4 (Coleoptera, Anthicidae)
Vol 101, Page 655, Date 1994
Synopsis de la Faune des Scorpions (Chelicerata du Paraguay)
Vol 101, Page 677, Date 1994
Awas giraffa gen. n., sp. n. (Coleoptera, Pselaphidae) from Malaysia and the classification of Goniacerinae
Vol 101, Page 685, Date 1994
The influence of air pollution on moss-dwelling animals: 1. Aquatic fauna with emphasis on Nematoda and Tardigrada
Vol 101, Page 699, Date 1994
Pseudoskorpione aus Thailand (Arachnida: Pseudoscorpiones)
Vol 101, Page 725, Date 1994
Nématodes de Poissons du Paraguay. VII. Oxyuroidea: Spinoxyuris oxydoras n. g., n. sp
Vol 101, Page 761, Date 1994
Leptodirinae del Caucaso e dell'Iran settentrionale (Coleoptera Cholevidae)
Vol 101, Page 771, Date 1994
New chernetid pseudoscorpions (Pseudoscorpionida: Chernetidae) from Venezuela and Brazil, with remarks on the genus Ancalochernes Beier
Vol 101, Page 829, Date 1994
Neue Arten der Gattung Stenus Latreille aus Italian (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)
Vol 101, Page 839, Date 1994
Linking evolutionary ecology with epidemiology
Vol 101, Page 865, Date 1994
Ökologie zwischen Gestern und Morgen
Vol 101, Page 875, Date 1994
Schweizer Pioniere der Entwicklungsbiologie
Vol 101, Page 887, Date 1994
Integrierter Pflanzenschutz: Ziele, Entwicklungen
Vol 101, Page 905, Date 1994
Qualité biologique des rivières vaudoises indiquée par la diversité du zoobenthos: campagnes 1991-1993
Vol 101, Page 911, Date 1994
Revision der Gattung Uromenus Bolivar, 1878 (Orthoptera: Ephippigeridae)
Vol 101, Page 919, Date 1994
The influence of air pollution on moss-dwelling animals: 4. Seasonal and long-term fluctuations of rotifer, nematode and tardigrade populations
Vol 101, Page 1017, Date 1994