The breeding time and growth rate of Sepia apama (Mollusca: Cephalopoda)
Vol 96, Page 19, Date 1979
The family Gnathiidae (Crustacea: Isopoda). A new Victorian species
Vol 96, Page 56, Date 1979
Observations on parturition, litter size, and foetal development at birth in the Chocolate Wattled Bat, Chalinolobus morio (Vespertilionidae)
Vol 96, Page 90, Date 1979
Ningaui: a new genus of dasyurid for Victoria
Vol 96, Page 142, Date 1979
A new species of gecko, genus Gehyra (Reptilia: Gekkonidae) from Queensland
Vol 96, Page 190, Date 1979
Taphozous kapalgensis, a new species of sheath-tailed bat from the Northern Territory, Australia
Vol 96, Page 239, Date 1979