A revision of the tsetse-flies (Glossina) based on a study of the male genital armature
Vol 2, Page 9, Date 1911
The papataci flies (Phlebotomus) of the Maltese Islands
Vol 2, Page 47, Date 1911
Observations on African scale insects (Coccidae). (No. 3)
Vol 2, Page 85, Date 1911
Some new West African species of Anopheles (sensu lato), with notes on nomenclature
Vol 2, Page 141, Date 1911
Anoplura and Mallophaga from african hosts
Vol 2, Page 145, Date 1911
New African Hippobopcidae
Vol 2, Page 169, Date 1911
Two new species of Tabanus from the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan
Vol 2, Page 173, Date 1911
On a new genus and species of Siphonaptera from Nyasaland
Vol 2, Page 269, Date 1911
On a new genus and species of Clinocoridae (Cimicidae) from Uganda
Vol 2, Page 363, Date 1912