Contributions on Palaeozoic floras. 3. Cordaicladus adamsii (Feistmantel) Rigby comb. nov
Vol 94, Page 52, Date 1969
The submicroscopic structure of the oral mucosa of the phalanger (Trichosurus vulpecula)
Vol 94, Page 55, Date 1969
The family Ozobranchidae redefined, and a novel ozobranchiform leech from Murray River turtles (class Hirudinoidea: order Rhynchobdelliformes)
Vol 94, Page 61, Date 1969
Geology of the Mt. Tennyson area, south of Yetholme, N.S.W
Vol 94, Page 81, Date 1969
Sporozoite rate in Anopheles farauti Laveran related to types of catch and seasonal conditions
Vol 94, Page 100, Date 1969
A preliminary limnological survey of the Wooli Lakes, New South Wales
Vol 94, Page 105, Date 1969
Species of Attenuatella Stehli (Brachiopoda) from New South Wales
Vol 94, Page 113, Date 1970
Crinia tasmaniensis (Anura: Leptodactylidae): geographic distribution, mating call structure, and relationships
Vol 94, Page 119, Date 1970
Another collection of Scolytidae and Platypodidae of economic importance from the territory of Papua and New Guinea. 254. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of Scolytoidea
Vol 94, Page 128, Date 1970
Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera, Nematocera). Part XI: the Australian species of Pellucidomyia Macfie, and a description of the male generic characters
Vol 94, Page 133, Date 1970
Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera, Nematocera). Part XII: the status of the genus Heteromyia Say in the Australian region
Vol 94, Page 139, Date 1970
Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera, Nematocera). Part XIII: Australian and New Guinea species of Echinohelea Macfie
Vol 94, Page 145, Date 1970
Australasian Ceratopogonidae (Diptera, Nematocera). Part XIV: the genus Serromyia Meigen
Vol 94, Page 160, Date 1970
Generic boundaries in the Podocarpaceae
Vol 94, Page 166, Date 1970
The family Aneuraceae in Australia and New Guinea: I. The genus Aneura
Vol 94, Page 173, Date 1970
Observations on the biology of Pallidotettix nullarborensis Richards (Rhaphidophoridae: Orthoptera) from the Nullarbor Plain
Vol 94, Page 195, Date 1970
A new species of Marginaster (Asteroidea: Poraniidae) from Tasmania
Vol 94, Page 207, Date 1970
A new species of Erodium L'Her. from Australia
Vol 94, Page 212, Date 1970
Further new Scolytoidea from the territory of Papua and New Guinea. 267. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the Scolytoidea
Vol 94, Page 214, Date 1970
The distribution of alkaloids in orchids from the territory of Papua and New Guinea
Vol 94, Page 237, Date 1970
An interim account of the Middle Devonian Timor limestone of north-eastern New South Wales
Vol 94, Page 242, Date 1970
The male of Neocheyletiella artami Domrow (Acari: Cheyletidae)
Vol 94, Page 273, Date 1970
Prawn tagging experiments in New South Wales
Vol 94, Page 277, Date 1970