A survey of Australian Ichthyology
Vol 89, Page 11, Date 1964
Description of two new species of Australian Buprestidae of the genus Stigmodera
Vol 89, Page 128, Date 1964
Notes on the subgenus Chaetocruiomyia Theobald (Diptera: Culicidae)
Vol 89, Page 131, Date 1964
Observations on some Australian forest insects. 17. Two new species of Glycaspis (Homoptera: Psyllidae) and a note on Glycaspis occidentalis (Solomon)
Vol 89, Page 148, Date 1964
Contributions on Palaeozoic floras. 1. On the identification of Glossopteris cordata Dana
Vol 89, Page 152, Date 1964
The ulysses species-group, genus Haemolaelaps (Acarina, Laelapidae)
Vol 89, Page 155, Date 1964
Observations on some Australian forest insects. 18. Four new species of Glycaspis (Homoptera: Psyllidae) from Queensland
Vol 89, Page 163, Date 1964
Contributions on Palaeozoic floras. 2. An unusual fossil tree from Wollar, New South Wales
Vol 89, Page 167, Date 1964
Edaphic control of vegetational pattern in east coast forests
Vol 89, Page 171, Date 1965
Chromosome numbers and relationships in Chara leptopitys A. Br
Vol 89, Page 191, Date 1965
Australian fossil crinoids. II. Tribrachiocrinus clarkei McCoy
Vol 89, Page 199, Date 1965
The stratigraphy and structure of the Upper Palaeozoic sediments of the Somerton-Attunga district, N.S.W
Vol 89, Page 203, Date 1965
A new genus and species of Pallopteridae (Diptera, Schizophora) from Papua
Vol 89, Page 218, Date 1965
Observations on some Australian forest insects. 19. Additional information on the genus Glycaspis (Homoptera: Psyllidae); erection of a new subgenus and descriptions of six new species
Vol 89, Page 221, Date 1965
Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on the genus Wahlenbergia in Australia
Vol 89, Page 235, Date 1965
A new genus of Australian clavicorn Coleoptera, probably of a new family
Vol 89, Page 241, Date 1965
Three new species of Scolytidae from Australia, and some introduced Coleoptera. 224. Contribution to the morphology and taxonomy of the Scolytoidea
Vol 89, Page 246, Date 1965
A note on Creiis periculosa (Olliff) (Homoptera: Psyllidae)
Vol 89, Page 250, Date 1965
On the adult and juvenile stages of Vanbenedenia chimaerae (Heegaard, 1962) (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) from Australian waters
Vol 89, Page 254, Date 1965
Classification of the Loranthaceae and Viscaceae
Vol 89, Page 268, Date 1965
Nitrogen economy in arid and semi-arid plant communities. Part III. The symbiotic nitrogen-fixing organisms
Vol 89, Page 273, Date 1965
Sir William Macleay Memorial Lecture, 1964. How animals can live in dry places
Vol 89, Page 287, Date 1965
Observations on some Australian forest insects. 20. Insects attacking Hakea spp. in New South Wales
Vol 89, Page 295, Date 1965
A review of the marsupial genus Sminthopsis (Phascogalinae) and diagnoses of new forms
Vol 89, Page 307, Date 1965
Grey billy and the age of tor topography in Monaro, N.S.W
Vol 89, Page 322, Date 1965
The genus Geranium L. in the south western Pacific area
Vol 89, Page 326, Date 1965
Note on Stigmodera viridicauda Carter
Vol 89, Page 362, Date 1965
The comparative osteology and systematic status of the gekkonid genera Afroedura Loveridge and Oedura Gray
Vol 89, Page 364, Date 1965
The Rhaphidophoridae (Orthoptera) of Australia. Part 2. A new genus
Vol 89, Page 373, Date 1965