Annotated Catalog Of California Tertiary Paleobotanical Types Transferred To University of-California Museum Of Paleontology
Vol 104, Page 1, Date 1991
The Karyotypes Of The Chilean Frogs Eupsophus emiliopugini And E-Vertebralis (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae)
Vol 104, Page 7, Date 1991
Platycephalus chauliodous, a new flathead fish from the eastern Indian Ocean (Teleostei: Platycephalidae)
Vol 104, Page 23, Date 1991
On Paracalocaris sagamiensis, a new genus and species from Japan (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Axiidae)
Vol 104, Page 30, Date 1991
Pontoniine shrimps (Decapoda: Caridea: Palaemonidae) of the northwest Atlantic. II. Periclimenes patae, new species, a gorgonian associate from shallow reef areas off the Turks and Caicos Islands and Florida Keys
Vol 104, Page 40, Date 1991
Upogebia spinistipula, a new burrowing shrimp from the Florida Shelf, northeastern Gulf of Mexico (Decapoda: Thalassinidea: Upogebiidae)
Vol 104, Page 49, Date 1991
A new troglobitic crayfish, Procambarus (Lonnbergius) morrisi, (Decapoda: Cambaridae) from Florida
Vol 104, Page 55, Date 1991
Additional records of entocytherid ostracods infesting burrowing crayfishes, with descriptions of five new species
Vol 104, Page 64, Date 1991
Redescription Of 2 Species Of Pseudiphimediella From The Southern ocean
Vol 104, Page 76, Date 1991
A new species of caprellid associated with hydroids from southern Japan (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Caprellidae)
Vol 104, Page 91, Date 1991
Photis trapherus, a new elephantine species from the Caribbean Sea (Crustacea: Amphipoda)
Vol 104, Page 96, Date 1991
Copepoda Associated with the Scleractinian Coral Genus Montipora in the Indo-Pacific
Vol 104, Page 101, Date 1991-01-01
Pycnogonida of the western Pacific islands, 9. A shallow water Guam survey, 1984
Vol 104, Page 138, Date 1991
Trichobranchidae (Polychaeta) from shallow warm water areas in the western Atlantic Ocean
Vol 104, Page 147, Date 1991
Nicomache ohtai, new species (Polychaeta: Maldinidae) collected from the Hatsushima cold-seep in Sagami Bay
Vol 104, Page 159, Date 1991
Two new branchiate scale-worms (Polynoidae: Polychaeta) from the hydrothermal vent of the Okinawa Trough and the volcanic seamount off Chichijima Island
Vol 104, Page 166, Date 1991
A New Species of Hesiocaeca (Polychaeta, Hesionidae) from Hydrothermal Vents at the Mariana Back-Arc Basin with Notes on Other Polychaetes
Vol 104, Page 175, Date 1991-01-01
A new Admetula (Gastropoda; Cancellariidae) from South Africa
Vol 104, Page 181, Date 1991
Pycnophyes chukchiensis, a new homalorhagid kinorhynch from the Arctic Sea
Vol 104, Page 184, Date 1991
The Chalinidae (Porifera) of Twin Cays, Belize, and adjacent waters
Vol 104, Page 189, Date 1991
New records of Stylasteridae (Hydrozoa: Hydroida) from the Galapagos and Cocos Islands
Vol 104, Page 209, Date 1991
Monocelididae (Platyhelminthes: Proseriata) from Puerto Rico. 1. Genera Minona and Monocelis
Vol 104, Page 229, Date 1991
Arene boucheti, a new intertidal liotiine turbinid (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Trochoidea) from Trinidade Island, South Atlantic Ocean
Vol 104, Page 241, Date 1991
Annina fustis, a new isopod from Phang Nga, Thailand (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cirolanidae)
Vol 104, Page 247, Date 1991
Revision of Iphimediidae and similar families (Amphipoda: Gammaridea)
Vol 104, Page 253, Date 1991
Curidia magellanica, new species, from Magellan Strait (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Ochlesidae)
Vol 104, Page 269, Date 1991
Amatiguakius forsberghi, a new genus and species from Alaska (marine Amphipoda: Epimeriidae)
Vol 104, Page 279, Date 1991
A new genus and two new species of freshwater crabs from México, Odontothelphusa toninae and Stygothelphusa lopezformenti (Crustacea: Brachyura: Pseudothelphusidae)
Vol 104, Page 288, Date 1991
A new pseudothelphusid crab from a cave in southern Costa Rica (Decapoda: Brachyura)
Vol 104, Page 295, Date 1991
Chirostylid and galatheid crustacean associates of coelenterates and echinoderms collected from the Johnson-Sea-Link Submersible, including a new species of Gastroptychus
Vol 104, Page 299, Date 1991
Procambarus (Girardiella) steigmani, a new crayfish (Decapoda: Cambaridae) from a long-grass prairie in northeastern Texas
Vol 104, Page 309, Date 1991
A new species of Processa from Bermuda (Crustacea: Decapoda: Caridea)
Vol 104, Page 317, Date 1991
A new genus and species of Neotropical water beetle, Jolyelmis auyana, from a Venezuelen tepui (Coleoptera: Elmidae)
Vol 104, Page 322, Date 1991
Parmops coruscans, a new genus and species of flashlight fish (Beryciformes: Anomalopidae) from the South Pacific
Vol 104, Page 328, Date 1991
A new species of the anthiine genus Plectranthias (Pisces: Serranidae) from the Sala y Gomez Ridge in the eastern South Pacific, with comments on P. exsul
Vol 104, Page 335, Date 1991
Gymnothorax parini, a new species of moray eel (Teleostei: Muraenidae) from Walters Shoals, Madagascar Ridge
Vol 104, Page 344, Date 1991
Geographic distribution Of Micronycteris schmidtorum Sanborn
Vol 104, Page 351, Date 1991
A new subspecies of the double-crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus, from San Salvador, Bahama Islands
Vol 104, Page 356, Date 1991
Systematics Of The Coatis, Genus Nasua (Mammalia, Procyonidae)
Vol 104, Page 370, Date 1991
A new species of Chrotomys (Rodentia: Muridae) from Luzon Island, Philippines
Vol 104, Page 387, Date 1991
The Mammals Of Catanduanes Island - Implications For The Biogeography Of Small Land bridge Islands In The Philippines
Vol 104, Page 399, Date 1991
Morphometric Differentiation Among West African Populations Of The Rodent Genus Dasymys (Muroidea, Murinae), And Its Taxonomic Implications
Vol 104, Page 419, Date 1991
A new species of frog of the Eleutherodactylus lacrimosus assembly from Amazonia, South America (Amphibia: Anura: Leptodactylidae)
Vol 104, Page 436, Date 1991
Symphurus prolatinaris, a new species of shallow-water tonguefish (Pleuronectiformes: Cynoglossidae) from the eastern Pacific
Vol 104, Page 448, Date 1991
Three new species of the bentho-pelagic fish genus Plagiogeneion from the southern Pacific and Indian Oceans (Teleostei: Emmelichthyidae)
Vol 104, Page 459, Date 1991
Matsubarichthys inusitatus, a new genus and species of velvetfish (Scorpaeniformes: Aploactinidae) from the Great Barrier Reef
Vol 104, Page 468, Date 1991
Studies of Neotropical caddisflies, 46: the Trichoptera of the Rio Moche Basin, Department of La Libertad, Peru
Vol 104, Page 474, Date 1991
An examination of the shrimp family Callianideidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinidea)
Vol 104, Page 493, Date 1991
Reexamination Of The Type Material Of Munida militaris Henderson, 1885
Vol 104, Page 538, Date 1991
Two similar species: Plesionika edwardsii (Brandt, 1851) and Plesionika crosnieri, new species (Crustacea: Decapoda: Pandalidae)
Vol 104, Page 545, Date 1991
Eutrichocheles pindatyba: a new axiid shrimp (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinidea) from Brazil
Vol 104, Page 556, Date 1991
A Large Brachyuran like Larva Of The Hippidae (Crustacea, Decapoda, Anomura) From The Banda Sea, Indonesia - The Largest Known Zoea
Vol 104, Page 561, Date 1991
Crabs from the Mariana Archipelago: Bothromaia griffini new genus and species (Brachyura: Majidae), and remarks on Poupinia hirsuta Guinot (Homoloidea, Poupiniidae)
Vol 104, Page 569, Date 1991
Two new species of Netamelita from the Caribbean Sea (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridea)
Vol 104, Page 583, Date 1991
Skuphonura kensleyi (Crustacea: Isopoda), a new anthuridean species from the Caribbean coast of Colombia
Vol 104, Page 593, Date 1991
Paranebalia belizensis, a new species from shallow waters off Belize, Central America (Crustacea: Malacostraca: Leptostraca)
Vol 104, Page 603, Date 1991
A Scanning Electron Microscope Study Of The Buccal Complex Of Metapeniculus Antofagastensis (Copepoda: Pennellidae)
Vol 104, Page 613, Date 1991
Calanus euxinus, new name, a replacement name for Calanus ponticus Karavaev, 1894 (Copepoda: Calanoida)
Vol 104, Page 620, Date 1991
Records of the marine genus Bathydrilus (Oligochaeta: Tubificidae) from California, with descriptions of two new species
Vol 104, Page 622, Date 1991
Two new deep-water species of the gutless genus Olavius (Oligochaeta: Tubificidae) from both sides of North America
Vol 104, Page 627, Date 1991
Lycastilla cavernicola, a new freshwater nereidid from an inland Mexican cave (Polychaeta: Nereididae: Namanereidinae)
Vol 104, Page 631, Date 1991
Triplignatha adriatica, new genus and species, and a typology of mouth parts in Austrognathiidae (Gnathostomulida)
Vol 104, Page 640, Date 1991
Biological Society Of Washington - 118Th Annual meeting, 22 May 1991
Vol 104, Page 649, Date 1991
Preliminary Phylogenetic Systematic Analysis Of The Major Lineages Of The Eucestoda (Platyhelminthes, Cercomeria)
Vol 104, Page 651, Date 1991
New hydrobiid snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Truncatelloidea) from North America
Vol 104, Page 669, Date 1991
Redescription Of Helmetophorus rankini Hartman, 1978 (Polychaeta, Helmetophoridae) And Its Transfer To The Flabelligeridae
Vol 104, Page 684, Date 1991
Polynoids commensal with gorgonian and stylasterid corals, with a new genus, new combinations, and new species (Polychaeta: Polynoidae: Polynoinae)
Vol 104, Page 688, Date 1991
Polynoid polychaetes commensal with antipatharian corals
Vol 104, Page 714, Date 1991
Lepeophtheirus spatha, a new species of copepod (Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae) parasitic on the California halibut from Santa Monica Bay, California
Vol 104, Page 727, Date 1991
The Stillman Wright Collection Of Copepoda (Crustacea) From South america In The National museum-Of natural-History, Smithsonian institution
Vol 104, Page 736, Date 1991
Wagin,v.l. Collections Of Dendrogastridae (Crustacea, Ascothoracida) In The Ussr, With Designations Of Lectotypes
Vol 104, Page 742, Date 1991
Rediagnosis and revision of some Nannastacidae (Crustacea: Cumacea)
Vol 104, Page 751, Date 1991
Synisoma wetzerae, a new species and the first record of Synisoma from the New World (Crustacea: Isopoda: Valvifera: Idoteidae)
Vol 104, Page 758, Date 1991
Revision of the American Callianassidae (Crustacea: Decapoda: Thalassinidea)
Vol 104, Page 764, Date 1991
A new hermit crab (Decapoda: Paguridae) from rocky shores of the Ogasawara (Bonin) Islands
Vol 104, Page 793, Date 1991
A new generic assignment for a South American crayfish (Decapoda: Parastacidae) with revised diagnoses of the South American genera and comments on the parastacid mandible
Vol 104, Page 800, Date 1991
Pandalus gurneyi Stimpson Synonymized With Pandalus danae Stimpson
Vol 104, Page 812, Date 1991
Williston,s.w. Species Of Ephydridae (Diptera) From St vincent
Vol 104, Page 816, Date 1991
Exallodontus aguanai, a new genus and species of Pimelodidae (Pisces: Siluriformes) from deep river channels of South America, and delimitation of the subfamily Pimelodinae
Vol 104, Page 840, Date 1991
The Identity And Taxonomic Status Of Megapodius stairi And M-Burnabyi
Vol 104, Page 870, Date 1991
The Skull Of The Eocene Triodon antiquus (Triodontidae, Tetraodontiformes) - Similar To That Of The Recent Threetooth Pufferfish T-Macropterus
Vol 104, Page 878, Date 1991