Opinion 462 Addition to the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology of the generic name Mormoops Leach, 1820 (Class Mammalia)
Vol 16, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1958-04-02
Opinion 463 Designation under the Plenary Powers of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the genus Oxypoda Mannerheim, 1831 (class Insecta, order Coleoptera)
Vol 16, Iss 2, Page 13, Date 1957-04-02
Opinion 464 Action under the plenary powers to secure (a) that the specific name gambianus Ogilby, 1835, as published in the combination Sciurus gambianus shall be the oldest available name for the sun squirrel and (b) that the generic name Heliosciurus Trouessart, 1880, shall be the oldest available generic name for that species (Class Mammalia)
Vol 16, Iss 3, Page 25, Date 1957-05-03
Opinion 465 Validation under the plenary powers of the specific name "silvestris" Schreber [1777] as published in the combination "Felis (Catus) silvestris", for the European wild cat (Class Mammalia)
Vol 16, Iss 4, Page 43, Date 1957-05-03
Opinion 466 Validation under the plenary powers of the generic name "Phacochoerus" Cuvier (F.), 1826, as the generic name for the Wart Hog (Class Mammalia)
Vol 16, Iss 5, Page 53, Date 1957-05-31
Opinion 467 Validation under the plenary powers of the generic name Odobenus Brisson, 1762, as the generic name for the walrus (Class Mammalia)
Vol 16, Iss 6, Page 73, Date 1957-05-31
Opinion 469 Rejection (a) of the generic name Jumala Friele, 1882, as a name calculated to give offence on religious grounds, and (b) of the name Beringius Dall, 1879, as not having been duly published (Class Gastropoda)
Vol 16, Iss 8, Page 97, Date 1957-05-31
Opinion 470 Addition to the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology of the names of one hundred and two genera of Caridea (Class Crustacea, Order Decapoda) and the use of the Plenary Powers for various purposes in connection therewith
Vol 16, Iss 9, Page 129, Date 1957-06-14
Opinion 471 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the family group name Mayaitidae Spath (L. F.), 1928 (class Cephalopoda, order Ammonoidea)
Vol 16, Iss 12, Page 203, Date 1957-06-14
Opinion 472 Addition to the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology of the generic name Pagurus Fabricius, 1775, with Cancer bernhardus Linnaeus, 1758, as type species (Class Crustacea, Order Decapoda)
Vol 16, Iss 13, Page 213, Date 1957-06-21
Opinion 473 Determination of the species to be accepted as the type species of the genus Inoceramus Sowerby (J.), 1814 (class Pelecypoda) and addition of that name to the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology
Vol 16, Iss 15, Page 277, Date 1957-07-24
Opinion 474 Determination of the Dates to be assigned for the purposes of the Law of priority to the names published in Dru Drury's Illustrations of Natural History in the period 1770–1782
Vol 16, Iss 16, Page 297, Date 1957-07-31
Opinion 475 Validation under The Plenary Powers of the generic name Bithynia Leach, 1818 (class Gastropoda) and matters associated therewith
Vol 16, Iss 17, Page 307, Date 1957-07-31
Opinion 476 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Phillipsinella Novak, 1886 (class Trilobita)
Vol 16, Iss 18, Page 331, Date 1957-07-31
Opinion 477 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Cerebratulus [Renier], [1804], and of the specific name marginatus [Renier], [1804], as used by the foregoing author in the combination Cerebratulus marginatus (class Nemertea) (Opinion supplementary to Opinion 427)
Vol 16, Iss 20, Page 343, Date 1957-07-31
Opinion 478 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Polycitor [Renier], [1804], and of the specific name crystallinus [Renier], [1804], as used by the foregoing author in the combination Polycitor crystallinus (class Urochorda) (Opinion supplementary to Opinion 421)
Vol 16, Iss 21, Page 353, Date 1957-07-31
Opinion 479 Validation under the Plenary Powers of Specific Names for Nine species of the class Gastropoda Occurring in the New Zealand Area as published by Martyn (T.) in 1784 in the work entitled the Universal Conchologist (Opinion supplementary to Opinion 456)
Vol 16, Iss 22, Page 365, Date 1957-09-03
Opinion 480 Suppression under the Plenary Powers of the specific and Subspecific names of birds published in the so-Called "horniman pamphlet" dated "1940" and matters incidental thereto
Vol 16, Iss 23, Page 417, Date 1957-09-03
Direction 70 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the family-group name Arieticeratinae Howarth, 1955 (class Cephalopoda, order Ammonoidea) (Direction supplementary to Opinion 337)
Vol 16, Iss 19, Page i, Date 1957-07-31
Direction 79 Substitution on the Official List of Specific Names in Zoology of the specific name brasiliensis Gmelin (J. F.), 1788, as published in the combination Mustela Lutris var. Brasiliensis, for the specific name Sambachii Gray (J. E.), 1837, as published in the combination Pteronura Sambachii (class Mammalia) (Direction supplementary to Opinion 384)
Vol 16, Iss 24, Page 455, Date 1957-10-10
Vol 16, Page V, Date 1957-10-11
Opinion 468 Addition of the Ordinal Name Ammonoidea Zittel, 1884 to the Official List of Names in the Order-Class-Group in Zoology, with Arietites Waagen, 1869, as type genus
Vol 16, Iss 7, Page 89, Date 1957-05-31
Declaration 31 Clarification of the expression "type genus" in the provisions relating to the publication of family-group names
Vol 16, Iss 10, Page i, Date 1957-06-14
Declaration 32 Clarification of the meaning of Article 21 of the Régles in relation to the authorship to be attributed in certain circumstances to zoological names and to any act taken under other provisions of the Régles affecting the status of such names
Vol 16, Iss 11, Page xi, Date 1957-06-14
Declaration 33 Clarification of the status under Article 25 of a name for a taxon published in the index of a work in the text of which that taxon was described only under a vernacular name
Vol 16, Iss 14, Page xxv, Date 1957-06-21
Minute dated 26th July 1957 by the Secretary giving directions for the insertion of two minor corrections in the entry relating to the name Sicyonia Milne Edwards (H.), 1830 (Class Crustacea, Order Decapoda), made on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology by the Ruling given in Opinion 382
Vol 16, Iss 25, Page 467, Date 1958-02-28
Vol 16, Iss 25, Page 470, Date 1958-02-28