Opinion 534 Emendation under the Plenary Powers to Conchoecia of the generic name Conchaecia Dana (J. D.), 1849, and designation under the same Powers of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the genus so named (Class Crustacea, Order Ostracoda)
Vol 20, Iss 1, Page 1, Date 1959-02-03
Opinion 535 Protection under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Anchisauripus Lull, 1904 (Class Reptilia : Theropoda [Ichnites]), and matters incidental thereto by the suppression under the above Powers of two names currently regarded as nomina dubia
Vol 20, Iss 2, Page 13, Date 1959-02-03
Opinion 536 Protection under the Plenary Powers of the generic names Hellula Guénée, 1854, and Udea Guénée, 1844 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)
Vol 20, Iss 3, Page 25, Date 1959-02-03
Opinion 537 Designation under the Plenary Powers of type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the genera Encrinurus Emmrich, 1844, and Odontochile Hawle & Corda, 1847, and validation under the same Powers of the specific name punctatus Wahlenberg, 1821, as published in the combination Entomostracites punctatus (Class Trilobita)
Vol 20, Iss 4, Page 41, Date 1959-02-03
Opinion 538 Designation under the Plenary Powers of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the nominal genus Ptychopyge Angelin, 1854 (Class Trilobita)
Vol 20, Iss 5, Page 57, Date 1959-02-27
Opinion 539 Protection under the Plenary Powers of the specific name bullata Muller (O. F.), 1776, as published in the combination Akera bullata (Class Gastropoda)
Vol 20, Iss 6, Page 65, Date 1959-02-27
Opinion 540 Protection under the Plenary Powers of the specific names bengalensis Daudin, [1802], as published in the combination Tupinambis bengalensis, and salvator Laurenti, 1768, as published in the combination Stellio salvator (Class Reptilia)
Vol 20, Iss 7, Page 77, Date 1959-02-27
Opinion 541 Suppression under the Plenary Powers of the generic names Chrysophanus Hiibner, 1818, and Bithys Hiibner, 1818 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera) (Opinion supplementary to Opinion 165)
Vol 20, Iss 8, Page 87, Date 1959-02-27
Opinion 542 Designation under the Plenary Powers of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the nominal genus Cephalomutilla Andre, (1908) (Class Insecta, Order Hymenoptera)
Vol 20, Iss 9, Page 103, Date 1959-02-27
Opinion 543 Rejection for nomenclatorial purposes of the German translation by Martini (F.H.W.) published in 1767 under the title Kurze Abhandlung von den Conchyiien of the work by Geoffroy (E.L.) published in the same year under the title Traité Sommaire des Coquilles (Opinion supplementary to Opinion 362)
Vol 20, Iss 10, Page 111, Date 1959-02-27
Opinion 544 Validation under the plenary powers of the family-group names Muntiacinae Pocock, 1923, and Odobenidae (correction of Odobaenidae) Allen, 1880 (Class Mammalia)
Vol 20, Iss 11, Page 119, Date 1959-03-20
Opinion 545 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Dictyoploca Jordan, 1911 (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)
Vol 20, Iss 12, Page 129, Date 1959-03-20
Opinion 546 Designation under the Plenary Powers of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the genus Staphylinus Linnaeus, 1758 (Class Insecta, Order Coleoptera), and validation under the same Powers of the emendation of the specific name of the species so designated
Vol 20, Iss 13, Page 139, Date 1959-03-20
Opinion 547 Designation under the Plenary Powers of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the nominal genus Anopheles Meigen, 1818 (Class Insecta, Order Diptera)
Vol 20, Iss 14, Page 153, Date 1959-03-20
Opinion 548 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Toxorhynchites Theobald (Class Insecta, Order Diptera), as published in 1901 in the Journal of Tropical Medicine
Vol 20, Iss 15, Page 165, Date 1959-03-20
Opinion 549 Interpretation under the Plenary Powers of the nominal species Bulla truncatula Bruguiere, [1792], and validation under the same Powers of the specific name umbilicata Montagu, 1803, as published in the combination Bulla umbilicata (Class Gastropoda)
Vol 20, Iss 16, Page 175, Date 1959-03-20
Opinion 550 Suppression under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Taeniorhynchus Lynch- Arribalzaga, 1891, for the purpose of protecting the generic name Mansonia Blanchard, 1901 (Class Insecta, Order Diptera) and matters relating to other names in the same Class and in the Class Aves incidental thereto
Vol 20, Iss 17, Page 185, Date 1959-04-14
Opinion 551 Suppression under the Plenary Powers of the specific name musicus Linnaeus, 1758, as published in the combination Turdus musicus, and validation under the same Powers of a neotype for Turdus iliacus Linnaeus, 1758, the Eurasian Redwing (Class Aves)
Vol 20, Iss 18, Page 199, Date 1959-04-14
Opinion 552 Grant under the Plenary Powers of precedence to the family-group name globigerinidae Carpenter, Parker & Jones, 1862, over the family-group name orbulinidae Schultze, 1854 (Class Rhizopoda, Order Foraminifera), and matters incidental thereto
Vol 20, Iss 19, Page 211, Date 1959-04-14
Opinion 553 Addition of the generic name Cyzicus Audouin, 1837 (Class Crustacea, Order Conchostraca), to the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology and matters incidental thereto
Vol 20, Iss 20, Page 225, Date 1959-04-14
Opinion 554 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Hoplitoplacenticeras as from Paulcke, 1906 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea), and designation under the same Powers of a type species for the genus so named
Vol 20, Iss 21, Page 241, Date 1959-04-14
Opinion 555 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic names Kotoceras Kobayashi, 1934 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Nautiloidea) and Damesites Matsumoto, 1942 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea)
Vol 20, Iss 22, Page 249, Date 1959-04-14
Opinion 556 Designation under the Plenary Powers of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the nominal genus Labeceras Spath, 1925 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea)
Vol 20, Iss 23, Page 257, Date 1959-04-14
Opinion 557 Designation under the Plenary Powers of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the nominal genus Calycoceras Hyatt, 1900 (Class Cephalopoda, Order Ammonoidea)
Vol 20, Iss 24, Page 265, Date 1959-04-14
Opinion 558 Rejection for nomenclatorial purposes of the work entitled Testacea Minuta Rariora by William Boys as augmented by George Walker published in 1784
Vol 20, Iss 25, Page 277, Date 1959-04-14
Opinion 559 Determination of the gender to be attributed to six generic names in the Class Crustacea (Order Decapoda) and addition of the names concerned to the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology
Vol 20, Iss 26, Page 283, Date 1959-04-14
Opinion 560 Protection under the Plenary Powers of the specific name parvula Morch, 1863, as published in the combination Aplysia parvula (Class Gastropoda)
Vol 20, Iss 27, Page 293, Date 1959-04-28
Opinion 561 Protection under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Anodonta Lamarck, 1799 (Class Pelecypoda), a name placed on the Official List of Generic Names in Zoology in 1926 by the Ruling given in Opinion 94
Vol 20, Iss 28, Page 303, Date 1959-04-28
Opinion 562 Suppression under the Plenary Powers of the specific name anonyma Lewis (W. A.), 1872, as published in the combination Limenitis anonyma (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)
Vol 20, Iss 29, Page 311, Date 1959-04-21
Opinion 563 Interpretation under the Plenary Powers of the nominal species Aphis padi Linnaeus, 1758 (Class Insecta, Hemiptera)
Vol 20, Iss 30, Page 329, Date 1959-04-28
Proposed use of the Plenary Powers to validate the application of the specific name "padi" Linnaeus, 1758, as published in the combination "Aphis padi" to the European Bird Cherry Aphid (Class Insecta, Order Hemiptera) In Opinion 563. Interpretation under
Vol 20, Iss 30, Page 331, Date 1959-04-28
Opinion 564 Suppression under the Plenary Powers of the specific name squilla Linnaeus, 1758, as published in the combination Cancer squilla, and designation under the same Powers of Palaemon adspersus Rathke, 1837, to be the type species of the genus Palaemon Weber, 1795, and matters incidental thereto (Class Crustacea, Order Decapoda)
Vol 20, Iss 31, Page 337, Date 1959-04-28
Opinion 565 Validation under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Phrynosoma Wiegmann, 1828 (Class Reptilia) (Opinion supplementary to Opinion 92)
Vol 20, Iss 32, Page 359, Date 1959-04-28
Opinion 566 Suppression under the Plenary Powers of the generic name Tingra Boisduval, 1847, and designation under the same Powers for the genera Liptena Westwood, [1851], and PentiJa Westwood, [1851], of type species in harmony with accustomed usage (Class Insecta, Order Lepidoptera)
Vol 20, Iss 33, Page 377, Date 1959-05-22
Opinion 567 Designation under the Plenary Powers of a type species in harmony with accustomed usage for the nominal genus Centris Fabricius (J. C.), 1804, and validation under the same Powers of the specific name dimidiata Fabricius (J. C.), 1793, as published in the combination Apis dimidiata (Class Insecta, Order Hymenoptera)
Vol 20, Iss 34, Page 391, Date 1959-05-22
Opinion 568 Protection under the Plenary Powers of the specific name obtusa Montagu, 1803, as published in the combination Bulla obtusa (Class Gastropoda)
Vol 20, Iss 35, Page 403, Date 1959-05-22
Vol 20, Page V, Date 1959-04-29
Vol 20, Iss 36, Page 415, Date 1959-11-10