Bird communities in selected spruce and pine plantations in New Brunswick
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 1
Nesting habitat of the Red-throated Loon, Gavia stellata, at Toker Point, Northwest Territories
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 10
Water colour as a predictor of local distribution of Blanding's Turtles, Emydoidea blandingii, in Nova Scotia
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 17
Observations on Moose, Alces alces, habitat and use on herbicide-treated clearcuts in Maine
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 22
Prevalence of ingested lead shot in American Black Duck, Anas rubrips, and Ring-necked Duck, Aytha collaris, gizzards from Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 26
Butterflies and skippers of conservation concern in British Columbia
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 31
Observed acts of egg destruction, egg removal, and predation on nests of passerine birds at Delta Marsh, Ontario
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 41
Seasonal and circadian activity patterns of female Fishers, Martes pennanti, with kits
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 52
Population estimation of the snail Bithynia tentaculata (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) using mark-recapture and the examination of snail movement in pools
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 58
Habitat use and distribution of the mice Peromyscus leucopus and P. maniculatus on Mount Desert Island, Maine
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 67
The migration of a tagged Leatherback Turtle, Dermochelys coriacea, from French Guiana, South America, to Newfoundland, Canada, in 128 days
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 72
Migration bearing and distance memory by translocated White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 74
A mountain-avens, Dryas x sundermannii Kellerer ex Sundermann, in Alberta
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 77
Use of mammalian prey by nesting Merlins, Falco columbarius, in Atlantic Canada
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 80
Marten, Martes americana, predation on a Northern Goshawk, Accipter gentilis
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 81
The Large Yellow Underwing, Noctura pronuba Linn. (Lepidoptera: Noctulidae), in Ontario
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 83
Distribution and abundance of Common Map Turtles, Graptemys geographica, in the Ottawa River, Quebec
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 84
Allogrooming by Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep, Ovis canadensis canadensis, in Glacier National Park, Montana
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 87
First confirmed breeding record of the Upland Sandpiper, Bartramia longicauda, in British Columbia
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 89
First confirmed sighting of the Parakeet Auklet, Cyclorrhynchus psittacula, in Canada
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 91
Nomenclatural changes and new taxa for the Yukon flora
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 93
Erratum: The Canadian Field-Naturalist 107(4)
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 98
Louise de Kiriline Lawrence (1894-1992) and the world of nature: A tribute [Obituary]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 111
Ornithological Bibliography of Louise de Kiriline Lawrence
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 117
Atlas of Breeding Birds of the Maritime Provinces, by Anthony J. Erskine [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 119
Bats, by M. Brock Fenton [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 120
A History and Atlas of the Fishes of the Antarctic Ocean, by Richard Gordon Miller [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 121
Owls: Their Natural and Unnatural History, by John Sparks and Tony Soper [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 121
The Birdwatchers Book of Lists: Western Region, by Lester L. Short [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 122
Oklahoma Bird Life, by Frederick M. Baumgartner and A. Marguerite Baumgartner [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 123
Bird Census Techniques, by C. J. Bibby, N. D. Burgess, and D. A. Hill [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 124
The Ecology, Status, and Conservation of Marine and Shoreline Birds on the West Coast of Vancouver Island, eds. Kees Vermeer, Robert W. Butler, and Ken H. Morgan [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 124
Vascular Plants of Wyoming, Second Edition, by Robert D. Dorn [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 125
Alaska's Wild Plants: A Guide to Alaska's Edible Harvest, b Janice J. Schofield [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 126
Bitteroot, by Jerry DeSanto [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 126
Les Cypéracées de l'est du Canada, by Bernard Boivin [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 127
The Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California, ed. James C. Hickman [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 128
Climate Change and its Biological Consequences, by David M. Gates [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 129
Water Quality in North American River Systems, ed. C. Dale Becker and Duane A. Neitzel [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 129
World Soil Erosion and Conservation, ed. David Pimental [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 130
The Balance of Nature: Ecological Issues in the Conservation of Species and Communities, by Stuart L. Pimm [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 132
Dinosaur Hunters, by David A. E. Spaulding [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 132
Science and the Canadian Arctic: A Century of Exploration, 1818-1918, by Trevor H. Levere [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 1, Page 132
Status of the Harbour Seal, Phoca vitulina, in Greenland
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 139
The density and diversity of the bird populations in three residential communities in Edmonton, Alberta
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 156
Food habits of the Black Bear, Ursus americanus, and habitat use in Gaspesie Park, eastern Quebec
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 162
Food preferences of captive wild Raccoons, Procyon lotor, from east Texas
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 170
Croissance et structure d'age de deux populations du pelecypode Elliptio complanata (Lightfoot) dans l'estuaire d'eau douce du fleuve Saint-Laurant
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 176
New records of a sludge worm Teneridrilus flexus Erseus & Hiltunen (Oligochaeta: Tubificidae) from Lake Huron
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 182
Cattle and cervid interactions on a foothills watershed in southwestern Alberta
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 186
Natural hybrids between the Common Goldeneye, Bucephala clangula, and Barrow's Goldeneye, B. islandica
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 195
Observations of Basking Sharks, Cetorhinus maximus, in Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 199
Status of the Ancient Murrelet, Synthliboramphus antiquus, in Canada and the effects of introduced predators
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 211
A southern breeding range extension of the Lesser Snow Goose, Chen caerulescens caerulescens, James Bay, Ontario
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 223
Recent confirmation of a Cougar, Felis concolor, in New Brunswick
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 224
Range extension and first Holocene record of the Arctic Shrew, Sorex arcticus, from the Driftless Area, southeastern Minnesota
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 226
Yearling Black Bear, Ursus americanus, gives right-of-way to adult Coyote, Canis latrans
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 229
Skeletal injuries of an adult Timber Wolf, Canis lupus, in northern Ontario
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 230
Problem-solving by a foraging wild Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 232
Breeding site fidelity in Harris' Sparrows, Zonotrichia querula, in the Northwest Territories
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 234
Evidence for a Black Bear, Ursus americanus, killing an adult Moose, Alces alces
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 236
Adoption of a White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, fawn by a captive doe
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 239
Larder hoarding in the Cougar, Felis concolor
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 240
George Hazen McGee, 1909-1991 [Obituary]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 245
William Arthur Holland, 1921-1993 [Obituary]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 247
A remembrance of John Steuart Erskine, 1900-1981
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 248
Errata: The Canadian Field-Naturalist 108(1)
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 257
The Fishes of Alberta, by Joseph S. Nelson and Marin J. Paetz [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 258
Raptors: Birds of Prey, by John Hendrickson [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 259
In Search of Arctic Birds, by Richard Vaughan [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 259
Threatened Birds of the Americas: The ICBP/IUCN Red Data Book. Third Edition, Part 2, by N. J. Collar et al. [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 260
Fish: An Enthusiast's Guide, by Peter B. Moyle [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 261
The Ecology of Insect Overwintering, by S. R. Leather, K. F. A. Walters, and J. S. Bale [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 261
Orchids of Indiana, by Michael A. Homoya [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 262
Orchids of Minnesota, by Welby R. Smith [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 263
Plant Partnership, by Joyce Pope [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 265
On Nature's Terms: Contemporary Voices, eds. Thomas J. Lyon and Peter Stine [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 265
Newton Rules Biology: A Physical Approach to Biological Problems, by C. J. Pennycuick [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 266
Biogeography: An Ecological and Evolutionary Approach, by C. Barry Cox and Peter D. Moore [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 267
Birder Extraodinaire: The Life and Legacy of James L. Baillie (1904-1970), by Lise Anglin [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 267
George Edwards: The Bedell and his Birds, by A. Stuart Mason [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 2, Page 268
Foraging ecology of Greater Snow Geese, Chen caerulescens atlantica, in different Scirpus marsh plant communities
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 271
The impact of foraging by Columbian Ground Squirrels, Spermophilus columbianus, on vegetation growing on patches fertilized with urine
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 282
Sharp-tailed Grouse, Tympanuchus phasianellus, and grasshoppers: food is when you find it
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 288
Breeding populations of Mallards, Anas platyrhynchos, on four urbanized lakes in Michigan
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 292
The genus Tolypella (Characeae) in insular Newfoundland
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 297
The history of invasion and current status of Glossy Buckthorn, Rhamnus frangula, in southern Ontario
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 305
Use of a tidal saltmarsh and coastal impoundments by sympatric breeding and staging Black Ducks, Anas rubripes, and Mallards, A. platyrhynchos
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 311
The response of predators to an erupting Bison, Bison bison athabascae, population
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 318
Organochlorine residues in nesting Killdeer, Charadrius vociferus, and their eggs in North Dakota
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 328
Observations of conspecific predation by Brown Bears, Ursus arctos, in Alaska
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 332
Premières mentions de l'écrevisse Orconectes immunis au Québec
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 337
A survey of the nematode parasite Parelaphostrongylus tenuis in the White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, in a region proposed for Caribou, Rangifer tarandus caribou, re-introduction in Minnesota
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 341
First verified record of the Shortfin Mako Shark, Isurus oxyrhinchus, and second records or range extensions for three additional species, from British Columbia waters
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 347
Movements of Martens, Martes americana, in burned and unburned taiga in the Mackenzie Valley, Northwest Territories
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 351
Spatio-temporal distribution of anadromous (trachurus) and freshwater (leiurus) Threespine Sticklebacks, Gasterosteous aculeatus
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 355
A field technique for aging live Beavers, Castor canadensis\
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 361
Surf Scoter, Melanitta perspicillata, nesting in southern Quebec
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 364
Long distance movement of a transplanted Beaver, Castor canadensis, in Labrador
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 366
Degree of association and use of a helper by coastal River Otters, Lutra canadensis, in Prince William Sound, Alaska
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 367
New information on the distribution of the marine fish leeches of the genus Notostomum (Hirudina: Piscicolidae)
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 370
Black-capped Chickadees, Parus atricapillus, eat eggs of other birds
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 371
Unusual numbers of Laysan Albatrosses, Diomedea immutabilis, off the west coast of Haida Gwaii, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 373
Female Arctic Wolf, Canis lupus arctos, mating with Domestic Dogs, Canisfamiliaris, in northeast Greenland
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 374
A New Brunswick Black-legged Kittiwake, Rissa tridactyla, colony
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 375
Errata: The Canadian Field-Naturalist 108 (1) and (2)
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 377
Putting Biodiversity on the Map: Priority Areas for Global Conservation, by C. J. Bibby et al. [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 378
The Amphibians and Reptiles of Alberta: A Field Guide and Primer of Boreal Herpetology, by Anthony P. Russell and Aaron M. Bauer [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 379
On Methuselah's Trail, by Peter D. Ward [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 380
A Wing in the Door: Adventures with a Red-tailed Hawk, by Peri Philips McQuay [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 381
Bears: Monarchs of the Northern Wilderness, by Wayne Lynch [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 381
Guide to the Birds of Iceland: A Practical Handbook for Identification, by Thorsteinn Einarsson [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 382
Atlas of the Mammals of Ontario, by J. S. Dobbyn [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 382
The Bamboo Bears: The Life and Troubled Times of the Giant Panda, by Clive Roots [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 383
The Birder's Guide to Bed and Breakfasts, by Peggy van Hulsteyn [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 384
Wild Wings: An Introduction to Birdwatching, by Tim Fitzharris [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 385
Seashores: Peterson First Guide, by John C. Kricher [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 386
Arena Birds: Sexual Selection and Behavior, by Paul A. Johnsgard [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 386
Whitetail Autumn, by J. J. Ozoga [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 387
Applied Ecology, by Edward I Newman [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 388
Julian Huxley: Biologist and Statesman of Science, eds. C. Kenneth Waters and Albert Van Helden [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 3, Page 388
Rare vascular plant collections from the St. Elias Mountains, northwestern British Columbia
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 391
Tree and shrub communities of wooded draws near the Matador Research Station in southern Saskatchewan
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 397
The Charophytes of Crooked Lake, Saskatchewan
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 413
The flora of the Yukon Territory: Additions, range extensions and comments
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 428
Swarming of yolk-sac herring, Clupea harengus L., larvae at the sea surface
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 477
Arboreal foraging by Red Foxes, Vulpes vulpes, during winter food shortage
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 479
Artificial nest parasitized by a Brown-headed Cowbird, Molothrus ater
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 482
Surplus killing of White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus, by Coyotes, Canis latrans, in Nova Scotia
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 484
Extralimital occurrences of Beluga, Delphinapterus leucas, and Walrus, Odobenus rosmarus, in Bathurst Inlet, Northwest Territories
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 488
White-belted coloration in a Masked Shrew, Sorex cinereus, from Massachusetts
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 491
A Striped Skunk, Mephitis mephitis, repels two Coyotes, Canis latrans, without scenting
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 492
Golden Eagles, Aquila chrysaetos, preying on a Coyote, Canis latrans
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 494
Evidence of Bobcats, Lynx rufus, in southeastern Alberta
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 495
Cougar(s), Felis concolor, with a kill for 27 days
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 497
Une addition à la flore du Québec: Monar da punctata var. villicaulis (Lamiaceae)
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 499
Rhythms in Fishes, ed. M. M. Ali [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 502
Animal Behavior, ed. Tim Halliday [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 503
Herpetology in Australia: A Diverse Discipline, eds. Daniel Lunney and Danielle Ayers [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 503
The Lives of Birds: Birds of the World and Their Behavior, by Lester L. Short [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 504
Crows and Jays: A Guide to the Crows, Jays and Magpies of the World, by Steve Madge and Hilary Burn [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 504
Finches and Sparrows: An Identification Guide, by Peter Clement, Alan Harris and John Davis [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 505
Birds of Texas: A Field Guide, by John H. Rappole and Gene W. Blacklock [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 506
Cormorants, Darters and Pelicans of the World, by Paul A. Johnsgard [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 507
Shorebirds of the Pacific Northwest, by Dennis Paulson [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 508
The New Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1988-1991, by David Wingfield Gibbons, James B. Reid, and Robert A. Chapman [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 509
Bird of Jove, by David Bruce [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 510
The Beak of the Finch, by Jonathan Weiner [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 510
A Field Guide to the Whales, Porpoises and Seals from Cape Cod to Newfoundland, by Steven K. Katona, Valerie Rough, and David T. Richardson [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 511
Studies of White Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) and Narwhals (Monodon monoceros) in Greenland and Adjacent Waters, eds. E. W. Born, R. Dietz, and R. R. Reeves [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 512
Long Spikes, by Jim Aronsky [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 512
A Naturalist's Guide to the Arctic, by E. C. Pielou [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 513
Intermountain Flora, Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S A., Volume 5: Asterales, by A. Cronquist [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 513
A Utah Flora, eds. Stanley L. Welsh et al. [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 514
The Cruciferae of Continental North America, by Reed C. Rollins [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 514
Calculated Risks: Understanding the Toxicity and Human Health Risks of Chemicals in our Environment, by Joseph V. Rodricks [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 515
A Visitor's Guide to the Birds of the Rocky Mountain National Parks: United States and Canada, by Roland H. Wauer [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 515
Global Warming and Biological Diversity, eds. Robert L. Peters and Thomas E. Lovejoy [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 516
Ecopopulism: Toxic Waste and the Movement for Environmental Justice, by Andrew Szaz [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 516
A Naturalist in Indian Territory: The Journals of S. W. Woodhouse, 1849-50, eds. J. S. Tomer and J. J. Brodhead [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 517
A Naturalist' s Mexico, by Roland H. Wauer [Review]
Vol 108, Iss 4, Page 517